Water With Lemon For Good Health And Figure

Water With Lemon For Good Health And Figure
Water With Lemon For Good Health And Figure

It doesn't cost much to add a slice of fresh juicy lemon to at least one of the eight glasses of water that you must drink a day for good health and figure. The drink has a super tonic effect, charges the body with energy and vitamin C.

Citrus fruit contains minerals and oligo-elements, acts against fatigue, kills bacteria, improves kidney and liver function.

Nutritionists are adamant that lemon water is a valuable ally in the fight against weight loss. The drink has a cleansing effect - it helps to remove harmful substances from the body, thus protecting it from a number of diseases.

In addition, the lemon in the water has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Regular consumption of water with lemon helps with constipation and diarrhea, regulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.


The fresh drink is also valuable for the liver, it provides the body with natural agents when the concentration of enzymes is not enough. Lemon in water helps regulate carbohydrates in the blood.

The drink has the best effect when consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach. Lemon contains many valuable minerals and has an alkaline effect on the intestines. The drink makes our digestive system work and digest the breakfast we eat half an hour later.

Many pregnant women rely on a simple cocktail that helps with morning sickness.

Drinking warm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach also gives good results. If desired, a little honey can be added to the drink.

However, lemon on an empty stomach is not recommended for very weak people.
