For Green Tea And Prostate

For Green Tea And Prostate
For Green Tea And Prostate

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Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of death today is oncology. In men, prostate cancer is taking more and more victims, which is why it is so important to monitor health, as well as to visit a doctor prophylactically. An interesting fact is that the number of cancer patients is significantly higher in the Western world, while in Asia these figures are much lower.

The first assumption of scientists was that genetic predisposition is the main factor influencing the increasing cases in the West. It turns out that the reason for the reduced incidence of prostate cancer in men from Asian countries is drinking a lot of green tea, which has a preventive effect and helps to minimize oncology.

For green tea and prostate

The study involved men of different ages and experts came to the unanimous conclusion that it is the active components in green tea help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. A total of 97 men took part in the study and the researchers studied the effects of Polyphenon E.

Polyphenone E is a patented mixture of catechins in green tea that contains 400 mg of epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Laboratory studies show that catechin inhibits the growth of cancer cells and also stimulates their death.

The researchers gave 49 men a course of placebo and the other 48 twice a day Polyphenon E capsules for half a year. The results were more than encouraging and proved the effectiveness of green tea against prostate diseases. That is why it is believed that men in Asia are significantly less likely to suffer from prostate cancer, as they drink a lot of green tea every day.

Green tea helps the prostate
Green tea helps the prostate

Along with all this, regular intake of this delicious drink improves prostate function and reduces the risk of health problems, including. This is largely due to its wonderful antioxidant properties, which prevent free radicals from damaging prostate cells in men.

Green tea is not only a very pleasant drink, but also a great tool for the prevention of prostate diseases. Numerous studies in this area prove that men who regularly drink this delicious drink suffer significantly less often from prostate pathologies.

At the same time, it turns out that green tea significantly lowers tumor markers, which actually show that the body is developing some kind of oncology. The reason for this action are the so-called tea polyphenols, which are very useful for the body.
