These Tips Will Reduce Your Hunger For Sweets

These Tips Will Reduce Your Hunger For Sweets
These Tips Will Reduce Your Hunger For Sweets

It is no coincidence that they call sugar a white poison. Excessive intake leads to a number of health complications and risks. These include diabetes, cancer and heart problems. Last but not least is obesity with all the inconvenience and risks it brings.

That's right, if you can't give up the sweet, at least you should reduce its intake. Yes, we know - it's hard. Sugar has been shown to be addictive and difficult to stop. But you can do this with the following tips.

Eat more protein and healthy fats. Not all foods satisfy hunger equally. Compared to fast but short-lived energy from sugar, protein and some fats are more effective at satisfying hunger. Emphasize in your diet white meat, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, Bulgarian yogurt.

Drink water before each meal and stop fizzy soft drinks. Drinking a large glass of water directly before a meal makes a person feel fuller, happier and less hungry after a meal. Studies show that taking 1.5 liters of water a day for 8 weeks leads to decreased appetite and weight, as well as greater fat loss. Start your lunches and dinners with soup, because it reduces appetite.

Discard white and brown sugar, honey and molasses from your table. Reduce the amount of sugaradded to things you eat or drink regularly such as cereals, pancakes, coffee or tea. Try cutting the usual amount of sugar by adding half of it.

stopping sugar
stopping sugar

Eat fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruits. Choose fruits canned in water or natural juice. Avoid canned fruit in syrup, especially compotes. Squeeze and rinse in a colander to remove excess syrup or juice.

Look at the labels of the products you buy and choose products with the lowest amounts of added sugars.

Instead of adding sugar to cereals or oats, try flavoring with fresh fruit (bananas, cherries or strawberries) or dried fruit (raisins, blueberries or apricots).

Stop buying biscuits and sweets and make them yourself. So you can reduce the amount of sugar to normal levels, and to avoid the addition of some extremely harmful ingredients contained in kupeshki. Instead of adding sugar to recipes, use extracts such as almonds, vanilla, orange or lemon.

Try to replace sugarby flavoring your food with ginger, allspice, cinnamon or nutmeg.
