The Sly Housewife: A Few Tips On How To Reduce Your Electricity Bill

The Sly Housewife: A Few Tips On How To Reduce Your Electricity Bill
The Sly Housewife: A Few Tips On How To Reduce Your Electricity Bill

When we save on electricity, we not only reduce our costs, but also help protect the environment. The room with the most electricity consumption is the kitchen, so we have a few simple tips that, if followed, can save up to 15% of our electricity bill.

We can easily save on cooking if we use pots and pans whose diameter is equal to that of the stove. If the vessel is larger, energy is lost to heat the side.

More frequent use of pressure cookers would also help us reduce our electricity bills because they save cooking time, ie. will consume less energy. If you prefer to avoid them, then use a lid more often when cooking, so the heat will last longer and you will save again. It is also important that the pots and pans have a flat bottom.

Another way to save on cooking is to turn off the stove 10 minutes before the dish is ready. As the heat in the oven lasts for a relatively long time, the interval of 10 minutes will not reduce the degree of baking and will not affect the food in any way, only your invoice at the end of the month.

The refrigerator is the other appliance that consumes a lot of electricity. It is important to defrost your refrigerator as often as possible, because the ice formed in it significantly increases the amount of electricity costs. Even 1 cm of ice affects the current consumption, the more it accumulates, the more the consumption increases.

The Sly Housewife: A few tips on how to reduce your electricity bill
The Sly Housewife: A few tips on how to reduce your electricity bill

It is also important to maintain the same temperature, not to turn the knob with the steps when we want to cool something faster. Another important thing to save is to keep the grille on the back of the refrigerator clean to ensure efficient air exchange. Contamination can lead to overconsumption of electricity.

There are also some subtleties in using the washing machine that would also be useful. The fact is that the washing machine spends the same if it is half full or up to the maximum allowable capacity.

Therefore, it is wiser if we want to save, to fill the washing machine to this allowable capacity and then run it. We can save if we put lightly soiled clothes without a washing program or at a slightly lower temperature.

Small appliances also consume electricity, although they are not in use. For example, the light on the coffee machine, which indicates that the appliance is switched on. To save this cost, we can simply unplug them when not in use.
