Karkade Against Stress And Hangover

Karkade Against Stress And Hangover
Karkade Against Stress And Hangover

Hibiscus tea is made from the flowers of hibiscus - a plant that came to us from India. It can be either annual or perennial.

Among the many varieties of hibiscus, the most common for making hyacinth is hibiscus roselle. This plant is remarkable because all its parts can be consumed.

Its leaves are used to make salads, and its flowers are used for tea, jam and confectionery. In ancient Arabic medical treatises, karkade tea was called a cure for all diseases.

It has been known as a royal drink for centuries. In fact, hyacinth tea is just a decoction of hibiscus flowers. It was popular among Egyptian pharaohs and eastern rulers.

Hibiscus flower drink is rich in antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect. They protect the body from the effects of free radicals.

Karkade against stress and hangover
Karkade against stress and hangover

The red color of hibiscus flowers is provided by anthocyanins, which have P-vitamin activity. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Citric acid, which is contained in the flowers of hibiscus, helps to tone the body, protects against colds and infectious diseases.

Hibiscus has organic acids that have a beneficial effect on humans. For example, linoleic acid prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Hyacinth tea is used as an antispasmodic, has a diuretic effect and reduces fever. It chases away stress and improves metabolism.

Do not throw away the colors you used to make the tea. They contain a lot of pectin, which removes heavy metals from the body. Chew them, they taste very good.

Karkade is also used as an antiparasitic agent if drunk on an empty stomach. This tea is intoxicating, so it is a wonderful remedy for hangovers.

Hibiscus tea increases the acidity of the stomach, so it is contraindicated in people with gastritis with high acidity, as well as people with peptic ulcer disease.

You can make cold hyacinth tea by letting the hibiscus flowers soak for eight hours in room temperature water. Add honey and your iced tea is ready.
