We Grow Chokeberry Because Of Todor Zhivkov's Wife

We Grow Chokeberry Because Of Todor Zhivkov's Wife
We Grow Chokeberry Because Of Todor Zhivkov's Wife

Dr. Mara Maleeva, the wife of our late head of state Todor Zhivkov, is the main reason why chokeberry entered our country in the 70s of the twentieth century. Her knowledge of the properties and qualities of the plant led her to insist that it be imported from North America.

When this happens, research begins on its properties and whether it can be used to prevent cancer.

The research, initiated by Maleeva, lasted six years, from 1978 to 1984. During the period the first plantations were created and the production of chokeberry syrups began.

Professor Hristo Krachanov, a lecturer at the then Higher Institute of Food Industry, is also the head of laboratory research. From them it is clear that chokeberry is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins C, A, P and B, as well as folic acid. The plant does not require fertilizers and spraying. This makes it an environmentally friendly product.

The ingredients of chokeberry make its fruits suitable and useful for children. They limit infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and viruses.

Chokeberry syrup
Chokeberry syrup

Iodine is found in the fruits of chokeberry, thanks to which thyroid hormones strengthen the development of the brain and intelligence. It also protects against tooth decay. In combination with the other ingredients it strengthens the immune system.

Aronia has the ability to destroy free radicals that damage the cell membrane and alter the normal composition of cells. The plant is used as part of a set of measures to combat cancer.

Today, chokeberry is especially valued for another of its properties. It has a pronounced anti-radiation effect and is extremely useful for people who spend a long time in front of computers and for constant use of mobile phones. In general, chokeberry is useful for anyone exposed to various radiations of radiation.

In our country chokeberry is grown on the outskirts of Troyan. It is suitable for growing in all other regions of Bulgaria. It is grafted on a tree, due to which it gives significantly larger fruits and is more durable.
