How To Protect Yourself From Gas?

How To Protect Yourself From Gas?
How To Protect Yourself From Gas?

The frequent occurrence of gases it can certainly embarrass us and make us feel bad. In order not to fall into an awkward position in a public place, but also to feel good in our body, we need to know what are the possible causes of gas and to protect ourselves from them.

Eating so-called gas-forming foods is a common prerequisite for bloating and other accompanying phenomena. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and nuts are famous as such. Eating mushrooms, some types of bread, garlic, onions, eggplant would also have side effects.

The consumption of chewing gum and carbonated drinks (whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic) works in the same way. In people with lactose intolerance to gas and bloating leads to eating milk and various dairy products. So if you want to get rid of gas, you need to limit the consumption of all these foods and drinks.

We must mention, however, that sometimes gases can be formed in some of the bad habits. This is the case with smoking while eating. With it, we suck in air that enters our body.

Ginger tea
Ginger tea

It is normal for him to then try to leave him one way or another. The same goes for eating with your mouth open. As you chew your food, make sure your mouth is closed and no air enters it. Chew slowly and continuously.

Be careful with drinking from a straw. Avoid doing so as it may also cause excess air to be ingested.

To prevent flatulence, help the digestive process with mint tea or ginger. Drink tea 30-40 minutes after eating.

Here is the place to mention something else important. Sometimes gas can form when food is not combined properly. Therefore, avoid consuming foods and beverages that are too cold and too hot. Let everything you take be at a relatively close temperature.
