Increase Your Intake Of These Foods To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus

Increase Your Intake Of These Foods To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus
Increase Your Intake Of These Foods To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus

The spread of the insidious coronavirus is in full swing, and seasonal flu and the common cold, which are also not to be underestimated, continue to spread along with it.

Our health is at risk, so it is important to pay serious attention to our immunity and take care of it.

One of the best things we can do to strengthen our immune system is to include foods rich in vital vitamins in our diet.

Vitamins play an essential role in the proper functioning of the body, improve its performance and increase its resistance to infections and viruses. And don't believe me there are recommended foods to prevent coronavirus.

Here are the products that are good to consume more often to replenish the necessary vitamins and thus strengthen our defenses, in other words foods that protect against coronavirus.

Foods with vitamin A

Foods that protect against coronavirus
Foods that protect against coronavirus

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant, which in addition to immunity, also takes care of eye health, improves skin condition, supports neurological function and maintains the strength of teeth and bones.

Great sources of valuable vitamin A are beans, peas, red peppers, carrots, pumpkin, beets, liver, grapefruit, cherries and dried apricots.

Sources of vitamin B-complex

This group of vitamins is useful for brain function and memory, improve the functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

They help to convert nutrients into energy throughout the day, are important for the health of the skin and hair and of course for immunity. One of the most valuable foods to protect against coronavirus.

Turn to the sources of B vitamins, namely enrich your menu with nuts, mainly almonds, dairy products, seafood, eggs, whole grain bread and dried fruits.

Foods with vitamin C

Kiwi is useful for the prevention of coronavirus
Kiwi is useful for the prevention of coronavirus

Vitamin C is a powerful immunostimulant that also performs many important functions for optimal health.

It participates in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters, helps the growth and maintenance of tissues and blood vessels, accelerates wound healing and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Fill in the gaps in your diet by eating more food sources of vitamin C - peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwis, rose hips and apples.

Foods with vitamin D

Vitamin D brings valuable benefits to the body - boosting immunity, strengthening the brain and nervous system, supporting lung function, caring for heart health, strengthening bones and teeth, controlling insulin levels and preventing type 1 and 2 diabetes.

The best way to get it is the sun, as well as some foods containing vitamin D. These are fish, eggs, dairy products and shiitake mushrooms.

Foods with vitamin E

Nutrition against coronavirus
Nutrition against coronavirus

Vitamin E supports the overall functioning of the immune system. It has strong antioxidant properties, thanks to which it cleanses the body of the harmful oxidative action of accumulated free radicals.

Protects against chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, cancer, eye damage and aging.

It also takes care of the health of the skin and hair and improves their condition. As you might guess, much of foods that protect against coronavirus, contain it.

Foods containing vitamin E are: almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds, cooked spinach, pumpkin, pickled green olives, avocados and kiwis.
