How To Deal With A Bloated Stomach

How To Deal With A Bloated Stomach
How To Deal With A Bloated Stomach

Swelling of the stomach is a rather unpleasant condition that causes discomfort and sometimes a painful sensation. The air in the stomach is the result of the work of the microorganisms of the intestinal microflora, which help digestion.

Accordingly, the harder it is for the stomach to digest food, the more gas appears. This condition is known as flatulence. One of the most effective ways to deal with a bloated stomach, is a balanced diet as well as a special massage.

How to do a proper massage?

You need to find the point at a distance of 2 fingers above the navel. Make a few presses on this place, then massage for 2-3 minutes in a clockwise direction, and then counterclockwise. Massage activates the activity of the intestines, thus a kind of activation of their work and helps to cope with constipation.

Lemon water in the morning for stomach problems
Lemon water in the morning for stomach problems

If you drink in the morning 10-15 minutes before meals 1 glass of warm water with lemon juice, then this will help to normalize the acidity and prevent the appearance of such unpleasant acids. In addition, lemon water helps to cope with belching and excessive flatulence in the intestinal tract, and is rich in vitamin C.

What could be the cause of bloating?

The other important thing is not to drink coffee with milk in the morning. The reason is that milk activates the secretion of gastric juice and accordingly increases the acidity. Coffee, in turn, has a similar effect and together with milk makes this effect even stronger. If you can not give up milk in general, then there is an alternative, namely you can eat yogurt after breakfast, which will help digestion.

Refuse to fry if you have a bloated stomach
Refuse to fry if you have a bloated stomach

Another cause of bloated abdomen may be the intake of alcohol on an empty stomach. Alcoholic beverages reactivate the secretion of gastric juice. If you accordingly consume alcohol on an empty stomach, then it slows down the digestive processes and also damages the mucous membranes. This, in turn, can cause a bloated stomach.

It is also important to limit your intake of fatty and fried foods. You should also not consume too many products that are rich in fiber, as they are also able to cause bloating and gas formation.

Take care of your health, not only by leading an active lifestyle, but also by eating a proper and balanced diet. This is the only way you will enjoy good health and you will not have health problems such as bloating.
