How To Get Rid Of Nitrates?

How To Get Rid Of Nitrates?
How To Get Rid Of Nitrates?

Nitrates are salts of nitric acid. They are usually white or colorless powdery, crystalline substances that dissolve well in water. Nitrates are widely used in many industries:

- in agriculture as highly efficient fertilizers;

- in the food industry as colorants and preservatives;

- in the industry for production of paints, medicines, plastics, glass, etc.

As separate substances, nitrates are not dangerous to health, but once in the human body, things become quite different.


Each of us loves fresh salads and in early spring we reach for fresh salad, cucumbers or tomatoes, without thinking that this is not their season and, to put it mildly, it is illogical to choose them. It is illogical, because everyone can take stock of how and in what conditions "spring tomatoes" are grown. It is thanks to the manufacturer that we eat vegetables and fruits with added huge amounts of fertilizers that are full of nitrates. They quickly erode our immune system and vitamins in our body before they enter the bloodstream.

That is why we will now look at several ways in which to remove nitrates from vegetables.

1. Water - before consuming any vegetable, the best choice for removing nitrates is to boil it before consumption. However, this cannot happen with cucumbers or fresh green salads. For them, we can resort to water again, leaving them soaked in a large bowl for at least an hour or an hour and a half before consuming them. You can also add a little baking soda or vinegar to the water.

Removal of nitrates
Removal of nitrates

2. Clean them well - by cleaning we usually mean washing. In the case when we talk about cleaning, we mean removing the parts of the vegetable that collect the most nitrates. In cucumbers, this is the peel and its edges. In the case of cabbage, radishes, lettuce and the like, the part that we have to remove is their cob, because everything that is harmful to us is collected there. In carrots and beets, for example nitrates gather at the tips of the root. That is why we must carefully remove this part of the vegetables before eating them.

3. In recent years, special food tests have become extremely popular. Thanks to them we can determine the amounts of nitrates contained in our foods.

4. Do not eat stale fruits and vegetables, and fresh peel and soak well in water.

5. Dressings - dressing is the best friend of the salad. Each of us uses one to flavor our dish before eating. It is important to know, however, that lemons and oranges are the most suitable for dressings, because they contain high amounts of vitamin C, which does not allow nitrates to form compounds harmful to our body.
