Tips For Mold On Food

Tips For Mold On Food
Tips For Mold On Food

A moldy piece of cheese or yellow cheese, sour soup, yogurt covered with blue-green mold can be found in almost every refrigerator. Can these products be used or should they still be discarded?

It is important to know that some types of molds are highly toxic, they can even form carcinogenic substances, so-called mitotoxins, which when accumulated in the body cause serious diseases.

Without a drop of hesitation you should throw away the moldy dairy products - yogurt, cream, cottage cheese, as well as all kinds of fruits and vegetables with a juicy inside - tomatoes, peaches, mangoes, oranges.

The same applies to fruit and vegetable juices, as well as compotes, on the surface of which spots of mold can be seen. Moldy pieces of bread and meat should also be discarded, it is not recommended to give to pets.

Moldy food
Moldy food

The mold that has formed on a large piece of yellow cheese is not particularly dangerous, it only needs to be cut with a knife. The same goes for the mold that has covered the bread on a small area.

The mold that is on the surface of the jam or jam should be removed and then taste the product. If the mold has succeeded in triggering the fermentation of the jam, it must be discarded.

Mold can be removed only from kupeshki jams and jam, homemade, which are without a gram of preservatives, should be discarded immediately if there is mold on their surface. There is no chance that the fermentation process has not started.

You have to be very careful with moldy nuts and dried fruits. If the nuts are not even moldy, but only have a very bitter taste, they should be discarded immediately. The bitter taste in nuts betrays the presence of aflatoxins - very dangerous and harmful to health mitoxins.
