Help Mold In The Refrigerator

Help Mold In The Refrigerator
Help Mold In The Refrigerator

Keeping the refrigerator at home is not an easy task. Opening the refrigerator will inevitably lead to contamination, spillage of liquids, food stains remain. If left intact, the pieces of food create favorable conditions for the development of mold and mildew.

They can usually be seen around the door seals as well as along the shelves. Black mold grows quickly, especially in summer. Fortunately, cleaning mold is relatively easy with common household detergents.

1. Use ordinary household bleach and warm water to clean the inside of the refrigerator. Bleach kills mold and prevents it from spreading. Spray with bleach and leave on for about 10 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth, rinse with lukewarm water and then pat dry.

Important: Never mix bleach with a cleaning product that contains ammonia, because it creates a very dangerous gas.

2. Clean the door seals in a solution of vinegar and water. Do not use bleach to clean these seals, as the tire may be at risk. For difficult to clean places you can use a cotton swab with vinegar.

Remember that wetlands are conducive to the development of mold. Dry thoroughly, especially in the area of the seals. Once a week it is good to clean the refrigerator so that mold does not form again.

3. Unpleasant odors and mold are also removed with baking soda. Empty the refrigerator and clean it with a damp sponge sprinkled with soda. Then wipe with clean water and dry. If you have unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, put a small jar of soda inside. Soda will take away foul odors.

Always check your refrigerator for old, spoiled food that has been forgotten on a shelf. Clean food debris and spilled liquids to prevent mold.
