Coffee Shortens Life, Beer Prolongs It

Coffee Shortens Life, Beer Prolongs It
Coffee Shortens Life, Beer Prolongs It

Coffee lovers are as numerous as those of beer. However, the choice of which drink to become a fan has its impact not only on the mood, but also on part of our DNA, which is responsible for the aging process and the appearance of cancer.

Researchers at the University of Tel Aviv have conducted a study that found that while coffee can shorten life, beer, on the other hand, can prolong it.

Caffeine shortens telomeres and alcohol lengthens them. Telomeres are the end regions of chromosomes and are important for the genetic stability of a cell. They act like a DNA clock that records her age.


When, for some reason, the telomeres shorten and become too short, the cell stops dividing and dies. Such shortening of chromosomal endings is a sign of accelerated aging and is associated with a number of diseases.

Previous studies have shown a relationship between life expectancy and telomeres. The longer they are, the longer the life of an individual.

In the present study, the researchers also examined the effects of various environmental stressors on yeast, which share important genetic similarities with humans. Their cells were placed in conditions in which harmful free radicals were released.


The result was more than strange - most stressors, including temperature, changes in acidity and various drugs and chemicals, have no effect on telomere length.

However, when caffeine was tested, the telomeres of the yeast were destroyed. Conversely, when exposed to a solution of ethanol, this led to lengthening of the chromosome ends.

Ethanol is the most common ingredient in alcoholic beverages. In this case we are talking about beer, because in it its contents are minimal. The benefits that the body derives are from small amounts of it, as excessive alcohol also leads to negative consequences for the human body. These include dehydration, poisoning, cirrhosis and even death.
