How To Properly Brew Tea?

How To Properly Brew Tea?
How To Properly Brew Tea?

The culture of tea dates back more than 5,000 years - even then the tea bush was mentioned in the first written sources. His homeland is considered to be Southwest China and the nearby regions of Upper Burma and Vietnam.

There is a legend that the tea bush sprang from the eyelids of a Chinese saint thrown to the ground, angry with himself for falling asleep during meditation, cutting them off himself.

The great path of tea

Tea is currently grown in over 30 countries around the world. His journey was long - in the IX century from China to Japan, then to Korea. In Russia (more precisely in Georgia) the tea plant came into being only in the 19th century. At the same time, tea reached the coasts of Africa and Latin America. Now tea plantations can be found even in Northern Australia. But the elite varieties of tea are grown only in some areas. These are high mountain plantations / over 1500 m above sea level / in China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka.

Variety of tea varieties

Yarrow tea
Yarrow tea

Surprisingly, the whole variety of tea varieties depends only on the technological process, as the source material is one. This is the green tea leaf.

It goes through four stages of processing: drying, turning, fermentation and drying.

Black tea goes through all four stages of processing, and green tea - only two (twisting and drying).

Red and yellow tea are intermediate types between black and green, with red being closer to black and yellow to green.

Biochemistry of tea

Tea is a very complex plant. It contains tannins, including theotanine, which gives it a tart taste. Essential oils are responsible for the aroma of tea. Alkaloids, the most famous of which is caffeine, have a tonic effect.

The color of the tea drink depends on the pigments in its composition. In addition, tea contains minerals, resinous substances, organic acids and carbohydrates.

The advantage of tea is that it extracts from the soil and synthesizes the rarest and most useful substances for humans.

A cup of tea
A cup of tea

The dry tea leaf gives its most valuable part in the solution. Almost all vitamins are present in tea, but the main ones are P and K.

Tea storage

The tea is stored in a porcelain, earthenware or glass jar with a sticky stopper. The tea should not absorb side odors.

Steaming tea

Heat the kettle for scalding, rinsing it several times with boiling water and dry it over low heat.

Pour the tea: 1 tsp. per cup + 1 tsp. on the kettle. Pour half / quarter green tea / with water, cover with a lid, and then with a linen napkin. We leave it like this for 3-15 minutes.

The resulting infusion is topped up with boiling water. If foam appears in the tea, then the tea is scalded properly!

The tea must be stirred before serving! The tea is drunk for 1 hour.

Fresh tea looks like balsam, and one that stays overnight looks like a snake.
