How To Properly Prepare Tea

How To Properly Prepare Tea
How To Properly Prepare Tea

With the onset of cold winter days, we are increasingly reaching for our favorite warming drink. There are many rules for making tea, but we often ignore them.

Many of us believe that tea should be drunk hot. However, this can cause burns to the lining of the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. In addition, it can inflame a sore throat even more.

The tea should be drunk warm and its temperature should not exceed 56 degrees. The goal is for the body to sweat and remove toxins from the body.

The tea should not be brewed for too long. This deprives the drink of its beneficial properties, as phenols, lipids and light oils in its composition begin to oxidize. It becomes transparent and loses its aroma and taste. The dose should be soaked for 5-10 minutes at most.

In addition to being too long, you should not overdo it with the repeated infusion. The first tea carries up to 50% of the active substances of its ingredients. With each subsequent infusion this percentage decreases, and after the fourth, the hot liquid has only 1-2% useful properties. In addition, if the tea is brewed for a long time, you run the risk of harmful substances getting into it, as they are released last.

Tea time also matters. It is best consumed 20-30 minutes before meals, because immediately drinking tea before eating dilutes saliva and gastric juice. If you decide to drink tea after eating, then wait at least 30 minutes, as it has the ability to harden protein and iron in food. In this way, they are more difficult to absorb by the body.

Drinking tea
Drinking tea

It is not recommended to take tea and medication at the same time. The tannin in tea, in combination with drugs, forms a precipitate. This hinders their assimilation.

Many people prefer to replace coffee with green and black tea. They are extremely strong because of the tannins they contain. However, if you overdo it with them, it can lead to insomnia and headaches. In addition, strong teas should not be taken on an empty stomach, as they cause problems with the spleen and stomach.

In addition to hot tea, tea can also be made cold. Unlike warm, which is drunk to calm and warm, cold brings cheerfulness and energy. It is good to drink slightly chilled, not ice cold.
