How To Properly Cook Pasta

How To Properly Cook Pasta
How To Properly Cook Pasta

Boiling the pasta looks easy. This is the students' favorite food because it requires only four steps to prepare it, one of which is boiling water. But is it really that easy to cook pasta properly?

First boil the water, then add a little salt for more flavor, add the paste and stir from time to time, checking for readiness. It drains after it has boiled, but has not turned into a slurry.

Spaghetti with tomatoes
Spaghetti with tomatoes

Before preparing pasta, you must choose it carefully - it depends on the quality of the dish you prepare. Avoid Asian noodle-type pasta, as it is intended for completely different dishes.

Wholemeal pasta with Omega-3 fatty acids is much harder than white flour, so it needs more cooking. Ordinary egg paste is much softer and cooks quickly.

Green pasta
Green pasta

The shape depends on your own preferences, but keep in mind that too thin or small types of pasta are lost in thick sauces.

How to properly cook pasta
How to properly cook pasta

Never mix different types of pasta leftovers to boil them together - you will not like the result. Different types and shapes of pasta require different cooking times. The same goes for different brands of paste, even if they produce the same type - they can be of different densities.

Boil the pasta in a tall saucepan so that there is enough space for the water to cover the pasta during cooking. The bottom of the dish should be thicker so that the paste does not stick to it.

It is mandatory to add salt, because it helps to cook the pasta faster and flavor it. Never put the paste in water that does not boil.

After putting the paste in the water, do not cover the container with a lid. Stirring is mandatory because it prevents the paste from sticking. Stir every 3 minutes, with movements describing eights.

After boiling the pasta, drain it through a colander. To be sure that the pasta is cooked, you have to try it. The paste is perfect, it is not hard, but requires a little effort to chew it.

Too soft pasta is not tasty after standing. Although it is believed that the paste should be washed after draining, this is not mandatory.

The pasta becomes tastier if you mix it with the sauce and its additives, instead of just adding them to the cooked pasta. Thus, it absorbs the aroma and taste of the sauce ingredients.
