Excessive Consumption Of Red Meat Leads To Kidney Failure

Excessive Consumption Of Red Meat Leads To Kidney Failure
Excessive Consumption Of Red Meat Leads To Kidney Failure

Recently, the topic of the benefits and harms of meat has become more and more popular. Some experts support vegans and vegetarians, arguing that their menu is much healthier than that of meat eaters. Others share the exact opposite opinion and believe that the total denial of meat is completely wrong and harms our health.

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, ie the golden rule applies to meat, that it should not be overdone. But at the same time, there are meat lovers who overdo it. Mostly red meat. And this is definitely bad for your health.

Studies in Singapore, which took specialists more than 15 years, show that excessive consumption of red meat is very dangerous for our kidneys and can even lead to kidney failure.

The researchers included more than 60,000 adults in their studies, who included red meat in their daily diet, and 951 of them developed kidney failure.


The conclusions are there - if you overdo it with red meat, the risk of developing kidney failure is as much as 40% higher than people who do not focus on animal protein.

It is time to mention that, unlike animal proteins, plant proteins have the exact opposite effect - they take care of our health. By regularly eating legumes, seafood, soy products and even chicken, turkey or rabbit meat, you will not burden your kidneys and will minimize the risk of kidney failure.


Many experts point out that there is a connection between the consumption of red meat and the risk of cardiovascular disease and even stomach cancer. This does not mean permanently excluding pork or beef from your diet.

Just limit its consumption and every time you get tired of meat, give preference to rabbit, chicken, goose, turkey, etc., and even better fish or legumes. And remember that it is the general opinion of experts that you should have at least one completely fasting day a week.
