These Are The Signs That You Are Eating Improperly

These Are The Signs That You Are Eating Improperly
These Are The Signs That You Are Eating Improperly

Very often in our quest to eat right and lose weight we do the exact opposite - we eat "bad" for our body food that hinders growth and causes a number of dysfunctions. Of course, our body does not stand still, but tells us that we need to change our eating habits.

We have prepared the most common ones for you signs of malnutrition:

1. Weak immune system

Improper nutrition and the lack of certain nutrients that the immune system needs causes it to weaken, which prevents it from protecting the body from disease and infection.

2. You gain weight

Do you think that you are eating properly, but you are still not losing weight, but gaining weight? Well, that's a sure sign that you're wrong. For a long time malnutrition it is inevitable to gain weight. And this is not just about the food you eat, but also about your eating habits. If you eat infrequently, eat on foot and more often semi-finished or ready-made foods, then be sure that sooner or later this will affect your weight. However, keep in mind that being overweight is a symptom of a number of diseases.


3. You are tired even for no reason

Constant fatigue indicates that you are not eating enough or that you are missing certain nutrients that your body needs. Therefore, you should change your diet if you constantly feel tired.

4. You feel constantly hungry and constantly think about food

If you always feel hungry and food is an integral part of your thoughts, it is desirable to change your diet. Insufficient nutrition affects the metabolism and can lead to weight gain. We don't mean that you have to start stuffing yourself with all kinds of foods. Try to increase meals or portions or eat something between meals.

5. Your mood is constantly changing

Easy mood swings are common a sign of malnutrition. The constant feeling of hunger has a strong effect on the psyche and can make you extremely irritable, especially if you see someone eating what you dream of eating, but you have forbidden yourself.

6. Dry and weak hair

The causes of dry and exhausted hair are numerous and one of them is improper nutrition. Hair is a protein and needs proper nutrition to be shiny and healthy.
