Wrong Combination Of Foods And Products

Wrong Combination Of Foods And Products
Wrong Combination Of Foods And Products

From the moment the theory of separate eating was created, the controversy did not subside. According to some, this is a magic remedy against excess calories, but others believe that this regime has no benefit and is even harmful to health. If you still decide to try, we will guide you with some useful information.

The theory of separate eating is based on the claim that a variety of foods are more difficult for the body to digest. That is why its essence is rooted in a light diet aimed at weight loss through the proper and balanced distribution of foods in the menu.

The fundamental principle of a separate diet is to exclude the combination of carbohydrates and proteins during a meal. There are no restrictions or norms for the combination of other nutrients.

According to proponents of this type of diet, this is the best way to adjust the body to less food and to remove excess weight without too much effort.

Separate meals
Separate meals

Many experts deny this diet, because due to the lack of a varied menu, nutrition can hardly achieve completeness and balance.

They also believe that a separate diet can lead to a lack of nutrients in the body, especially iron and vitamins, as well as cause metabolic disorders in the elderly and children.

Separate nutrition means not only the diet, including the use of only one type of product. The division of food can be done in a different and varied way according to your individual lifestyle.

The same type of food can be combined in one meal or distributed over certain days and weeks. The effectiveness of a separate diet also depends on the proper application of the diet. If you follow them strictly you can achieve at least two positive results:

- You will get rid of the annoying need to control the amount of products, as is done by following other diets.


- When you take the same type of products, your body absorbs fewer calories, and this helps to lose weight faster.

And here are the basic rules of separate eating:

- Products that contain starch (such as potatoes, pasta, bread and peas) must be used separately from foods containing protein (such as meat

fish, eggs, nuts, cheese).

Starchy products can be combined with fats (cream, butter, bacon), ie. if this theory is to be believed, the combination of potatoes with bacon is perfectly acceptable, but the classic dish of pasta or spaghetti with minced meat - absolutely not.

- There is a group of neutral products such as fresh vegetables (without potatoes) and fruits (but without bananas), which can be taken with both protein and carbohydrates. Consume them as much as possible.

- Avoid foods containing white flour, sugar and margarine.

- Between meals of different types, observe an interval of at least 4 hours.
