This Is What The Wrong Combination Of Foods Leads To

This Is What The Wrong Combination Of Foods Leads To
This Is What The Wrong Combination Of Foods Leads To

The indiscriminate combination of foods interferes with normal digestion - the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Some of them remain undegraded, ferment, decompose with the release of toxins, which leads to pollution and poisoning of the body and is one of the main causes of various diseases.

In indiscriminate nutrition, the digestive organs, kidneys, and liver are unnecessarily burdened with the processing of a large amount of food that is not digested and not fully utilized because it is not combined properly.

Excessively consumes the vital energy of the human body, which leads to premature aging and shortening of life.


Photo: AdmeRu

Spending money on these large quantities of products that are not fully utilized in the body due to improper combination is another issue that is also of great importance to most people.

During adolescence, most people do not take the necessary care of their health. The young organism tolerates the indiscriminate food combination without sharp visible signs, but the harmful and irritating effect of poisons accumulates and at a later age gives its reflection with the appearance of various diseases, overweight, diabetes, ulcers, etc.

Fat child
Fat child

Do we need to feed the child improperly and as a result his immune system weakens, cram him with antibiotics, ruin his body, get sick from ulcers, diabetes, overweight and only when he grows up, to create only new habits which is much harder?

The path to a child's health is in our hands and is much simpler and easier - to feed him properly and create the right eating habits to enjoy throughout his life in good health.
