The Right Combination Of Products

The Right Combination Of Products
The Right Combination Of Products

It is a mistake to think that you can combine all the products with each other just because they will then mix in your stomach. This will avoid the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

This feeling usually occurs when there is activation of fermentation in the intestine and then carbohydrates are broken down into substances that swell the stomach.

Sometimes this leads to nausea and even stomach problems. The cause of intestinal fermentation may be enzyme deficiency or dysbacteriosis.

But often the reason for this is overeating, eating before bed, eating during exercise. All this slows down digestion.

Margarine and animal fats slow down gastric secretion. Thus, the absorption of protein in the diet is delayed by more than two hours than normal.

The habit of drinking water during meals seriously reduces the intensity of digestion. This is due to the fact that gastric juice is diluted with water.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

This slows down and makes digestion difficult. It is best to combine meat with raw vegetables, not very sweet fruits and whole grain bread.

If you eat meat with cooked vegetables, this is not the right solution. So meat with rice or baked potatoes is not as useful as meat with salad.

Do not combine dairy and meat products. Calcium from dairy products interferes with the absorption of iron from meat, is iron interferes with the absorption of calcium.

Do not drink coffee and tea or energy drinks while eating meat. This reduces the absorption of iron by more than fifty percent. Cheese and yellow cheese are combined with green vegetables.

Cucumber and tomato salad is not a good combination. Tomato ascorbic acid is destroyed by a special enzyme in cucumbers. But if your favorite salad, eat it freshly sliced.
