Tips For Cooking Spinach And Dock

Tips For Cooking Spinach And Dock
Tips For Cooking Spinach And Dock

Today we can find dock and spinach in stores almost all year round, but if you want to take full advantage of all the valuable vitamins and minerals they contain, as well as reduce the risk of nitrates, then choose only seasonal greens. Even better if they are picked from your own garden.

However, here's what it's good to know when you decide to unleash your culinary skills in this direction - tips for cooking spinach and dock.

1. For all leafy vegetables, such as spinach and dock, quality washing is an integral part of their processing to be edible.

If you want to protect yourself from nitrates, it is good to soak them in water for about 30 minutes, then wash them thoroughly and drain.

This is easiest if you have a vegetable centrifuge, which is not expensive at all (about 10-15 BGN) and which you can use for processing all leafy vegetables.

2. When subjecting dock and spinach of heat treatment (when preparing soups and stews), it is important to put them at the end of cooking, so as not to lose their valuable vitamins for the human body and the large amount of iron contained in them.

Tips for cooking spinach and dock
Tips for cooking spinach and dock

3. Spinach and dock are used to make wonderful vegetarian meatballs, but you can see detailed recipes on our website.

It is important that the leafy vegetables are well drained after washing, and whether you will prepare your healthy meatballs by adding cheese, cottage cheese, potatoes, zucchini, rice, etc. is your personal choice.

If you want the meatballs to be really healthy and even dietary, then do not fry them or bread them in a pan, but bake them in the oven.

4. Today, connoisseurs of healthy eating recommend regular consumption of raw leafy vegetables again, so as not to lose their precious substances.

This means that nothing prevents you from preparing a delicious fresh spinach or dock salad, and why not both? Just choose the smaller and more fragile petals so as not to spoil your vitamin salad.

5. If you have a baby that you are about to feed with vegetable puree, and it is time to cooking spinach or dock, we recommend that you prepare homemade purees only from homemade or organic spinach or dock.

You can just buy ready-made purees, because as useful as they are, almost all leafy vegetables run the risk of containing a considerable amount of nitrates.
