How To Clean Spinach, Dock And Sorrel

How To Clean Spinach, Dock And Sorrel
How To Clean Spinach, Dock And Sorrel

If we shake ourselves in different recipes, whether lean or meat, we will find that one thing is almost always missing. It is explained what the products are, how much is put in everything, in what sequence they are added, even how to cut them and in what container to collect them, but we do not find information about the cleaning anywhere.

For a novice housewife, these things are not as "clear" as we think. For those who have more experience, this is a process that makes no sense to mention. However, to clarify that everything that is added to the dish as products, except dry spices and fat, must be washed beforehand and cleaned.


Even the meat, when added to a dish, is well washed beforehand. After all, it comes from a store, before it was in a warehouse, before that it was not packaged. It is touched by different and many people and although most of them were wearing gloves, it is good to wash it beforehand.

Vegetables are also prepared - most of them are peeled, which manages to remove the part that is most contaminated. But how do you clean those leafy vegetables that don't have a single layer removed?

Spring salad
Spring salad

Such are for example spinach, dock and sorrel. They are very easy to clean. It is good to soak them in water for 20 minutes so as not to wash each leaf separately - it will take too long.

In a large bowl put all the petals and fill with water. In this way the soil, if any, is washed away. In case there is a lot of sand in the water, repeat the procedure.


Then you need to drain the vegetables. The real part comes when you start cutting vegetables. The spinach has its roots removed (if you bought one with the roots) and most of the stems, as they are hard. The goal is to keep the leaf itself.

In the case of dock and sorrel, remove the hard wire in the middle of the leaf (if any) and then cut and start the real part of cooking. You can not remove them if you are going to cut the vegetables into small pieces, but if it remains and then chews harder than the rest, the feeling is unpleasant.

If you doubt the purity of the soil where the green leafy vegetables grew, you can soak the leaves in an aqueous solution of water with a little vinegar. Let them soak for 1 hour, after which it is necessary to wash them.

And last but not least, neither spinach nor dock and sorrel can withstand prolonged cooking. The most susceptible to cooking is spinach; it takes only a few minutes for the dock, and it is better not to subject the sorrel to high temperatures at all and to consume it fresh.
