How To Eat Properly In The Fall?

How To Eat Properly In The Fall?
How To Eat Properly In The Fall?

Autumn is colorful and beautiful with its colors. We see wonderful colors all around us - there is still greenery, but most of the leaves are already yellow, red and brown. Despite its beauty, autumn brings many changes - temperatures vary, sunshine decreases, the weather gets cold, autumn rains begin.

We need to pay special attention to our diet in order to maintain our health this season. Professor Dr. Donka Baikova, who is a nutritionist and head of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University in Sofia, explains that eating 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day will guarantee good health and tone in the fall.

In the cold months, regular intake of enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber is of great importance for the body. Autumn is fertile and experts advise to bet on seasonal fruits and vegetables. We have a wide choice between juicy fruits and many vegetables that can be eaten raw or cooked - such as cabbage and carrots.

We should not exclude meat from our menu, but it is advisable to emphasize low-fat meats and fish, which should be present at our table at least once a week. Dr. Baykova advises two days of the week to be dedicated to lean meals, for which there are many and varied offers in the fall. Low-fat dairy products and eggs must be on our table.

For juices, the recommendation is also to bet on seasonal products. The juices of apples, pears and grapes will charge us with energy for a successful day. You can prepare a drink from only one type of these fruits or mix them with carrot and beet juice, which will enrich the taste and content of the drink.

Eating Grapes
Eating Grapes

Recently, fresh fruit is gaining more and more popularity. Dr. Baykova explains that they are a convenient and easy way to get vitamins in our busy daily lives. The nutritionist recommends that the fruits and vegetables from which the fresh fruit is prepared be blended.

This means grinding whole fruits in a blender, thus preserving their fiber in the fresh fruit. Blending also allows the liquefaction of fruits from which not enough juice can be squeezed such as avocados and bananas, and leafy vegetables such as spinach and arugula.
