Do We Eat Avocados Properly?

Do We Eat Avocados Properly?
Do We Eat Avocados Properly?

It is known that an avocado is more than a healthy breakfast, but in the interest of truth, most people consume it completely wrong. While fans of the healthy fruit often eat it with a spoon, experts say that this way they lose the most useful part of it.

Instead of digging it with cutlery, the best way to keep a healthy dark green part of the flesh under the skin is to carefully peel the avocado, thus preserving more of it.

The popular scientific organization American Dietetic Society recently published its study entitled How to get the most out of your health while eating avocados.

The study explains that the flesh of the fruit closest to the peel is high in fiber, potassium, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins B12 and E. However, this part of the avocado is most often discarded if the fruit is consumed with the help on a fork. That is why nutritionists recommend using a knife with which to carefully cut the useful part of the meat of the fruit.

The easiest way to do this is to cut the fruit in half. Then cut the two halves into four pieces, then just peel off the crust. If the avocado is too ripe, it will be harder for you to peel it.

Avocado fruit
Avocado fruit

It is no coincidence that the avocado is called a miracle fruit because of its many benefits for the human body. It supports the cardiovascular system, metabolism, blood sugar regulation.

The fruit is a source of a large amount of carotenoids, which are used to fight cancer and are used as an anti-aging agent. They are a powerful antioxidant, protecting the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Avocado pits also have useful applications. Thanks to it, cholesterol can be controlled, has antitumor action, strengthens the immune system, helps to lose weight and treats stomach problems.
