Drinking Water For Detoxification

Drinking Water For Detoxification
Drinking Water For Detoxification

Detoxification is a trend that has swept in recent years. But what does this really mean and how can drinking water help you in your efforts to be healthier? We will come to these questions, but first - a history lesson.

Detoxification dates back several thousand years to Roman, Greek and Native American culture. Their methods may be very different, but the goal was the same: to clean the toxins and bad things from their body. The goal was overall health and still is.

Today, you cannot enter a grocery store or pharmacy without seeing dozens of detox products that guarantee to rid your body of unwanted elements. However, one of the best (and healthiest) detoxifications is just at your fingertips - water detox.

Water detox

Water is an essential element of life and is essential for good health. Drinking water daily is one of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy body and avoid dehydration and fatigue. In addition, there are many other health benefits.

If you want to try water detox, the first thing you need to do is develop a plan. It will not be easy, but the benefits are quickly realized if you do a detox with water properly. The goal is to increase fluid intake for a short period of time to remove toxins from your system and reduce bloating. Here are some guidelines:

Do it briefly

Detox with water
Detox with water

A few days is best. You do not want to deprive your body of vital nutrients. Excess can lead to overeating once detoxification is done and all benefits can be erased.

Drink lukewarm filtered water

Top with fruits and vegetables with a high water content. You will get the water benefit plus vitamins and antioxidants in the food. Watermelon and green leafy vegetables are great for this.

Stay motivated

By creating a list of things you notice that are improving - your energy, skin, weight loss, etc. This will help you understand the benefits of detoxification and make it all useful.

If you still decide to try detox, drinking plenty of water is a safe way to maintain a balanced weight and help get rid of all unwanted substances and toxins from your body.


What are these scary things that seem to invade our bodies?

Toxins are actually a normal part of your body. The intestines expel toxins from the digestive system, and the liver helps clear the way for other organs to function and get rid of these unwanted toxins. Your body is actually able to detoxify naturally with the use of the lungs, liver and kidneys.

Problem solved?

Not quite… When our bodies are bombarded with unknown toxins, they produce too many toxins or do not eliminate toxins effectively. They accumulate and can cause health problems. Then it's time for a detoxification program - supporting the natural process of their elimination and preventing their daily accumulation.

Coffee, tea, spirits, soda and other sugary drinks cause more problems than high blood sugar. Your body needs more water to wash these fluids out of your body. Many of these drinks contain unnatural ingredients that are added to the toxins that our bodies need to help us get rid of.

How does water help remove toxins?

It removes toxins and waste from the body and transports nutrients to where they are needed. Without water, the contents of your colon can dry out and stick together, eventually causing constipation. Water is a natural lubricant that softens stools and helps evacuate the intestines.

Our kidney system is unique in its filtering capabilities and is completely dependent on water to make it work. The kidneys remove waste products from the blood, eliminate toxic substances in the urine and receive water-soluble toxins from the liver for processing. They filter volumes of blood every day and thus maintain the body's water balance and excrete toxins and excess fluid through the bladder. Daily fluid intake is essential for the functioning of our bodies.

Try to drink eight to ten glasses of clean water a day. It's not hard… three to four glasses in each part of the day and you're done! You can even try room temperature to start and then switch to ice water in the afternoon. You can even add a few slices of lemon or squeeze a little lemon into your water to add a little flavor. This detox drink has another benefit, as lemons contain a high content of acids, which helps the digestive system to move.

Do you think all you have to do is just drink the water?

Detox water
Detox water

Water is also useful externally: baths and saunas can help detoxification. Warm water increases blood flow and capillary action near the surface of the skin, causing faster release of toxins. The heat also increases sweating and opens the pores. Remember to bathe in clean water and keep in mind that hot water and the detoxifying effect can cause dizziness.

There are also a number of substances that you can add to your bath to help the detoxification process. Exercise is also a great way to get your gut moving to release toxins. Exercise helps reduce the time it takes for food to pass through the colon, which will remove hard stools that are harder to pass. Aerobic exercise speeds up breathing and heart rate.

Not bad to add some bath salts to help you do the process detoxification with water more enjoyable!

If you are thirsty, drink water instead of those sweet drinks that we are so used to. Water is the number one way to maintain health and remove toxins from our body. Let's start paving the way to a healthy and happy lifestyle!
