How Is Drinking Water Obtained?

How Is Drinking Water Obtained?
How Is Drinking Water Obtained?

Water is the source of life. On average, the body contains 55-75% water. Water is an essential nutrient. The average water intake per day for adults is 2.5 liters.

Reverse osmosis technology helps to separate semipermeable aqueous solutes. The applied osmosis technology passes the water through a membrane that purifies the water and separates the waste. In this way, without the need to use chemicals, all salts and organic substances such as micro-pollutants, pesticides, pathogenic bacteria and nitrates are separated from the water.

This makes it clean and usable. Water purification with this technology is automatic. In this technology there is a micron filter and a carbon filter block, which improve the color, smell and taste of water. And already after passing through the reverse osmosis membrane, pure water is separated from the waste. High quality water accumulates in a tank, from where it is drained through a tap, and dirty water is pumped through the drain.

Oxygen is important for water quality. Running water or a lake without dissolved oxygen is bad for humans as well as for living organisms. Soluble oxygen is one of the most important parameters of drinking water. The solubility of oxygen in water, chemical oxygen in air and the concentration of minerals depend entirely on the temperature of the water.


The pH of drinking water should vary between 7-8.5. The pH value contains concentrations of hydrogen ions. At these pH values, the disinfecting effect of hypochlorite in the water is at the desired level.

The high content of nitrates in drinking water can lead to methemoglobinemia, various types of cancer.

The fluoride content of drinking water is also vital. If the fluorine content in 1 liter of water is 1 ml, it protects against tooth decay. But if its content per 1 liter is from 2 to 4 ml, then stains begin to form on the teeth.
