Five Recipes For Cutlets

Five Recipes For Cutlets
Five Recipes For Cutlets

Cutlets are probably among the most commonly prepared steaks on our menu. All kinds of meat can be used for them, as well as vegetables. Here are 5 recipes to present yourself well to your family or guests:

1. Beef cutlets

Necessary products: 4 beef chops, 40 g butter, 2 tablespoons oil, 50 g bacon, 4 small onions, 100 g white wine, 250 g cream, 50 g cheese, salt, pepper and finely chopped parsley to taste.

Veal cutlet
Veal cutlet

Method of preparation: The cutlets are hammered and baked in butter and oil. Season with salt and pepper and arrange in a large saucepan. Melt the sliced bacon in a pan and pour over the chops. Add the sliced onion, grated cheese and wine and bring to the boil, then transfer to a pan, pour over the cream and bake in a preheated oven. Finally sprinkle with parsley.

2. Chicken cutlets

Necessary products: 2 chicken fillets, juice of 1 orange, salt and pepper to taste, sweet and sour sauce

Chicken cutlet
Chicken cutlet

Method of preparation: Cut the chicken fillets in half to make 4 chops. Salt and season with black pepper. In a Teflon pan, bake without any fat on both sides, being careful not to burn. Finally, sprinkle with orange and sweet and sour sauce.

3. Pork chops in French

Necessary products: 4 pork chops, 1 tomato, 1 onion, 1 tbsp flour, salt and pepper to taste, 4 tbsp oil

Method of preparation: The cutlets are quickly fried in oil. Fry the flour in the sauce, dilute with water and add the grated tomato and onion, and finally the spices. Drizzle the cutlets with the sauce and they are ready to serve.


4. Grilled pork chops

Necessary products: 6 pork chops, 3 tablespoons oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: The cutlets are seasoned with all the spices and baked on both sides of the grill until fully cooked.

5. Grilled chicken cutlets

Grilled chicken cutlets
Grilled chicken cutlets

Necessary products: 4 pcs. chicken fillet, 2 tablespoons mustard, 1 tablespoon honey, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: The chicken fillets are cut in half to make 8 chops. All the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and the chicken cutlets are spread with them. Bake on the grill on both sides until fully cooked.

Other tried and tested recipes for cutlets are: Breaded pork chops, Potato cutlets, Cutlets a la minutes, Pork cutlets with cheese, Veal cutlets in a rustic way.
