Raw Foods Contain Dangerous Toxins

Raw Foods Contain Dangerous Toxins
Raw Foods Contain Dangerous Toxins

The level of toxins in natural fruits, vegetables and grains can sometimes be dangerously high. This is on the one hand due to the additional treatment with different durability substances.

On the other hand, it is the result of natural processes. In both cases, it is good to know where the dangerous poisons are hidden and why it is important to avoid them.

Solanine is a very dangerous substance. It is formed on the surface of potatoes exposed for too long to direct sunlight.

As a result, a green coating appears on the surface of the potato. It is the result of chlorophyll released. The greening in question is accompanied by the production of solanine.

Its highest concentration is just below the potato peel. The damage is limited when the green area is cut during peeling.

When potatoes are treated with steam and in boiling water, the level of the toxin decreases by up to 40%.

Other harmful substances are cyanogenic glucosides, which are found mainly in cabbage, white radish, radishes and celery. Many scientists are constantly promoting the benefits of these foods against cancer.

Raw foods contain dangerous toxins
Raw foods contain dangerous toxins

But on the other hand, they can affect the proper function of the thyroid gland and increase the risk of goiter. However, this can only happen if the products are eaten raw. If they go through fire, the danger disappears.

The most dangerous chemicals for health are mitotoxins. They are found in fungi, or more precisely in mold. They are also found in foods that are made from cereals or walnuts.

These toxins can cause cancer or cirrhosis of the liver, as well as lower immunity.

The substances that have become very popular and for which everyone monitors whether they are normal - nitrates, are not actually carcinogenic. But animal experiments show that nitrosamines, which are formed from nitrates, can also lead to a risk of cancer.

In addition to vegetables, nitrates can also be found in meat, where they are added to extend shelf life. Most often, however, these substances are present in spinach, beets, cereals and radishes.
