How To Prepare Red Lentils?

How To Prepare Red Lentils?
How To Prepare Red Lentils?

Until recently the red lens perceived by many as too exotic and unfamiliar to us, it can now be found in many local stores. But what to do with it and how it is prepared, we suggest you learn from the following lines.

1. Red lentils are actually peeled lentils, and in addition to washing them very well, you do not need to throw away the first or second water during cooking - a typical action when cooking with green or brown lentils.

2. Unlike our typical lentils, red lentils cook much faster than them (if an ordinary lentil needs about 20 minutes to be ready, then the red lentils are boiled for only about 7 minutes) and the probability of "cheating" it is huge. If you want to use it to make ordinary lentil soup, not cream soup, then put the vegetables you want (carrots, onions, peppers, garlic) before the lentils themselves. If desired, you can fry them in advance, but this is not recommended if you follow a diet. To taste, you can just add a little oil on top of the knife at the end of cooking. This is only if you keep some fat in your soup.

3. You have probably heard that in order to cook ordinary lentils faster, salt is added to it at the end of cooking. If you want to prepare a simple soup or stew with red lentils, which has not boiled, you can safely add salt at the beginning of cooking. This also applies to tomatoes, tomato juice or tomato paste, if you plan to add something with a more sour taste.

Red lentil stew
Red lentil stew

4. Due to the fact that the red lens boils very quickly, it is especially suitable for making cream soups or purees. Given the latter, do not think that mashed potatoes can be prepared only with potatoes. In some countries, for example, it is a classic to serve fish dishes with red lentil puree for garnish.

5. Red lentils are also suitable for the preparation of lentil meatballs, which is a classic in Arabic cuisine. So do not hesitate and diversify your table with more unusual and really tasty dishes prepared with red lentils.
