Make Sure You Eat Quality Honey With This Simple Test

Make Sure You Eat Quality Honey With This Simple Test
Make Sure You Eat Quality Honey With This Simple Test

With a simple test you can check at home if you eat real quality honey. The test is available to each of us, as you only need a piece of paper for it.

To check your honey, you need to place about a teaspoon of it on a piece of toilet paper. Then wait between 10 and 30 minutes, carefully observing the change in honey.

If a strip of water begins to form around the honey, it means that the honey is not completely natural. Most likely, sugar or glucose were added to it, which liquefied and released water. It is from them that the wet trace on the toilet paper.

Real honey
Real honey

However, if the honey does not change and it remains intact without any trace around it, it means that you will eat real quality honey.

When honey is natural and high quality - without containing unnecessary additives, only then can we rely on its useful and healing properties.

The most valuable ingredients in quality honey are pollen and enzymes, which do not exceed 3% of its content. They give the unique beneficial properties of the whole product, strengthening the body and the immune system.

Real honey is in a liquid state only during the summer season. Within two to three months of being removed from the hive, it begins to become sugary. If the honey does not crystallize by winter, then you have come across a counterfeit. The only exception is acacia honey, which contains mainly fructose.

Delicious Honey
Delicious Honey

If the bees have been fed sugar syrup, the honey is very light and has no aroma.

Anyone can do tests to check the properties of real honey with the help of iodine or vinegar. If the honey diluted with water and a few drops of iodine turns blue, then it is mixed with starch, and if the vinegar foams it - chalk is added to it.

But despite experiments at home, only laboratory analysis can accurately determine 100% natural honey.

The color of honey varies from light yellow, yellow, brown to dark brown depending on its origin. Honey becomes lighter on crystallization, but darkens on prolonged storage.
