The Two Most Powerful Remedies For Blood And Arterial Cleansing

The Two Most Powerful Remedies For Blood And Arterial Cleansing
The Two Most Powerful Remedies For Blood And Arterial Cleansing

To maintain good general health and ultimately to stay alive, you need to keep your arteries clean and free of toxins and bacteria. You all know that their main role is to transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body.

However, sometimes they get obstacles and injuries that lead to heart attack or other health complications.

Fortunately, there is a powerful tool that can help regulate blood pressure. In addition, it has the ability to remove fats in the blood, clear clogged arteries and relieve many other health problems. With just 4 tablespoons of it can put an end to problems with blood pressure, clogged arteries and much more!

This extremely powerful natural remedy is very effective in keeping your arteries clean. Because it is composed of various nutrients and vitamins that will help you remove excess fat in the blood, open all your clogged arteries, cleanse the liver and will be your faithful ally in the fight against influenza infections and free radicals. As a result, it will strengthen your entire immune system.

And here are the ingredients for the magic mixture we offer:


Photo: VILI-Violeta Mateva

Lemons - 8 pieces

Garlic - 8 cloves

Water - 4 liters

Ginger root - 5 cm


1. Wash the lemons very well and cut them into pieces;

2. In a blender, place the sliced lemons together with the garlic;

3. Grind them until you get a perfectly homogeneous drink;

4. In a saucepan, place the mixture together with the water and the ginger root and bring to the boil. After boiling, remove the mixture from the heat;

5. Allow to cool and strain the mixture.

You should take this extremely useful tonic for blood pressure 2 times a day, 2 hours before meals and you will feel the change as soon as possible.

Recipe for cleansing blood vessels at home


dill - 100 g (seeds)

valerian - 2 tbsp. (root)

water - 2 liters (boiling)

honey - 2 tbsp.


Mix fennel seeds and valerian root. Pour the mixture with boiling water.

When the mixture has cooled, pour into a glass bottle and close well, leave to stand overnight. Drink from it 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

The course of treatment is 20 days, then take a break (rest) of 10 days and repeat the course once more.

This recipe will work wonders in your blood vessels.
