Sauerkraut Juice - When To Drink It?

Sauerkraut Juice - When To Drink It?
Sauerkraut Juice - When To Drink It?

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We Bulgarians, or at least most of us, love sauerkraut. It is a favorite of young and old and it is used to make all sorts of delicacies and recipes with sauerkraut. We also know that cabbage juice helps a lot with a hangover.

However, this is not the only one benefit of sauerkraut juice. Most studies show that eating whole vegetables has a beneficial effect on our body. On the other hand, there is very little research on the benefits of consuming vegetable juices. Some of these studies show that drinking fresh cabbage juice or sauerkraut juice has huge benefits for us.

In this article we will dwell in more detail on sauerkraut juice. At least most of us can't wait for autumn to come and make sauerkraut for the winter. In the recipes that we cook with sauerkraut, we also add the juice obtained from its fermentation.

Benefits of sauerkraut juice

Sauerkraut juice helps digestion by significantly improving it. Due to its fermentation, this juice contains natural lactic acid, which reduces and inhibits the growth of bad - or in other words - unwanted intestinal bacteria, but at the same time supports the growth of good - the desired intestinal bacteria.

When we have lazy gut and indigestion, it is recommended to drink sauerkraut juice. This juice also helps with constipation because it has a laxative effect. When we want to keep our immune system healthy and strong, we usually take a lot of vitamins and juices from various citrus fruits, which contain vitamin C.

If we drink cabbage juice however, we can get one of the most important elements for maintaining a good immune system, because it helps produce white blood cells, namely vitamin C. In sauerkraut juice it is in large quantities. If we drink cabbage juice, we can significantly reduce the chance and risk of getting cancer. This is because in sauerkraut juice are contained antioxidant compounds.

Sauerkraut juice
Sauerkraut juice

These same compounds can also be found in sauerkraut. These antioxidant compounds are a great helper in the fight against free radicals, and they are believed to be one of the main causes of cancer and the formation of cancer cells in our body.

Cabbage juice contains many mineralswhich build bones and improve their strength and strength. The large amount of vitamin K contained in sauerkraut juice helps for better strength and integrity of the bones in our body.

However, it is important to know that no matter how tasty and useful the sauerkraut juice is, it is advisable not to take it by people who suffer from heart and kidney disease, because it contains a large amount of sodium.

If you still want to drink sauerkraut juice, you must dilute it with water. But the first thing you need to do and most importantly is to consult your doctor, who will tell you if consumption of sauerkraut juice is useful for you or not.

Still, after all that has been said so far, I advise you, if you still have sauerkraut and its juice, to pour yourself a glass. Cheers!

And now warm your soul with this shank soup with sauerkraut juice or choose one of these appetizing recipes with cabbage juice.
