Everything About The Bean Diet

Everything About The Bean Diet
Everything About The Bean Diet

The beans is an ideal dietary product. The calories in it are small, and at the same time it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. In terms of protein, beans are similar to meat and fish.

In addition, the beans are delicious, and you can buy them from the store at any time of the year for relatively little money.

The rules of this diet with beans are the same as in many others. Herbal teas and water are taken, you should give up salt and sugar, start the day with a glass of kefir (made from low-fat yogurt - b.a.) and end it. You can eat cottage cheese, but skim.

Here's what it looks like menu for the bean diet:

Day 1: Breakfast - yogurt, a slice of black bread, 50 grams of cheese, lunch - green apple, 100 grams of boiled red beans, dinner - 100 grams of boiled red beans, vegetable salad (without dressing), fruit juice.

Day 2: Breakfast - 100 grams of cottage cheese, lunch - apple and 100 grams of beans, salad, dinner - 100 grams of boiled beans and fish.

Day 3: Breakfast - yogurt, black bread and cheese, lunch - apple and 100 grams of beans, vegetables, juice, dinner - 100 grams of beans, vegetables, a glass of tomato juice.

Bean diet
Bean diet

Day 4: Breakfast - 100 grams of cottage cheese, tea, lunch - 100 grams of beans, carrot and apple salad with a teaspoon of honey, dinner - 100 grams of boiled meat and 50 grams of beans, tea.

Day 5: Breakfast - 100 grams of cottage cheese or yogurt, lunch - apple plus 100 grams of beans, vegetable salad, juice, dinner - 100 grams of beans, vegetable salad, 2 boiled potatoes, tomato juice.

Day 6: Breakfast - 50 grams of cheese with a slice of black bread, tea, lunch - a glass of kefir and 100 grams of cottage cheese, vegetable salad, juice, dinner - 200 grams of beans and apple.

Day 7: Breakfast - 100 grams of cottage cheese or yogurt, tea, lunch - apple and 100 grams of beans, vegetables, dinner - lean soup, 100 grams of beans, citrus juices.

On a bean diet you can be no more than a week. During this period you should lose between 3 and 5 kilograms, remembering that this is strictly individual and depends on your body and your health.

If you are not lazy and exercise, you can lose more weight. During the diet, your body will receive more protein, so physical activity will be especially effective and will help strengthen and strengthen muscles.

Weight loss with beans
Weight loss with beans

Pros of the bean diet

- Beans are rich in vitamins B, C, E, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus and iron - a dozen nutrients that your body will enjoy in the spring.

- Beans help the liver and gallbladder, strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize the condition of the skin.

- Beans, as we said, are low in calories and at the same time a saturating product. It has a lot of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates, so you will not suffer from a lack of nutrients. It is a substitute for meat.

Cons of the bean diet

- Beans are contraindicated in those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even with a healthy stomach, spending a week on a bean diet will not be easy. You risk constipation and bloating.

- This is a strict diet and you may find it difficult to implement.
