Everything About The Carbohydrate-free Diet In One Place

Everything About The Carbohydrate-free Diet In One Place
Everything About The Carbohydrate-free Diet In One Place

Carbohydrate-free diet is a regimen that is applied to clear the accumulated fat. It is usually preferred by athletes seeking to clear fat at the expense of muscle.

The diet completely excludes carbohydrates, except for those from vegetables. The plus is that with it there is no hunger and restrictions. Combined with proper physical activity, it helps to sculpt the abdominal muscles, the so-called. plates and all other muscle areas, such as legs, biceps, triceps, chest, back and others.

Carbohydrate-free diet is strictly followed for 24 days. After that, if you still have something to download, take a break and repeat for another 24 days.

The good thing about the regimen is that there are no set meal times. It is important to consume only permitted foods. A bite of forbidden foods will stop the process of melting fat and require you to start the diet from the beginning.

Vitamins and minerals should be taken during the diet. Bet on C, E, magnesium or some multivitamins. 2 liters of water are required, as well as exercise and sports. Even light physical effort 3-4 times a week for about 30-40 minutes will have a beneficial effect. Walking, dancing, yoga - whatever you do, it will not be superfluous.

At some point in the diet you may stop losing weight. This is a temporary phenomenon and will soon disappear. Here's what the mode includes:

Prohibited foods: bread, potatoes, flour, rice, peas, beans, breadcrumbs, breaded meat, soy, pasta, nuts, sausages. All kinds of stir-fries and dairy products, such as milk, cream, cheese, yellow cheese, processed and smoked cheeses, butter, kefir. Creams, margarines, pastries, sugar, chocolate, corn sticks, salads, ice cream and all kinds of fruits.

Allowed foods: All types of meat - beef, veal, pork, lamb, goose, duck, all kinds of trifles, game. They are prepared as you wish, without breading. Grits, dried meat, sausages without sausages and those containing soy, all kinds of fish, including canned. All salads, fresh and roasted peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh and sauerkraut, beets, seafood, onions, olives, radishes, spinach, everything available on the market. Eggs prepared in any way. Lutenitsa without sugar.

Salads can be seasoned with salt, vinegar, oil, pepper, but without sauces. Coffee, tea, mineral water are allowed. Sugar and honey are forbidden. If you want to sweeten, use artificial sweeteners. After the sixth day of the diet, half a liter of wine is allowed.
