Okinawa Diet: Don't Eat Everything On A Plate

Okinawa Diet: Don't Eat Everything On A Plate
Okinawa Diet: Don't Eat Everything On A Plate

The Japanese island of Okinawa is famous for having a really huge number of centenarians. However, it turns out that Okinawa is home to 15% of all supercentenarians on Earth.

Super centenarians are people who are at least 107 years old. Everyone asks us what is their secret? What is it that enables them to live so long and fully?

In fact, the answer to this question has been the subject of research for quite some time by various experts. The five pillars of long life have been discovered. It's about:

- Vegetables - at least 70% of the daily food intake per person should be with vegetables;

Fish diets
Fish diets

- Fish - on the island of Okinawa fish is much more consumed than meat;

- Calmness - short breaks and daily relaxation are part of the life of the inhabitants of the Japanese island;

- Movement - if you think that these people lie all day and this expresses their calm, you are definitely mistaken. Their movement is constant, in addition, they work quite hard.

- Moderation;

We will talk about moderation. The well-known Okinawa diet is just that - the diet is a combination of all five pillars, but mostly relies on moderation. The main thing in the diet is the prohibition of overeating. It is imperative to stop eating when our stomach is 80% full.


And since it is quite difficult to explain what an 80% full stomach is - experts recommend getting up from the table when we feel that we have room for a few more bites.

According to doctors, Okinawa is very close to the French way of eating. The rules there are that we should stop consuming anything shortly before we eat.

The Okinawa diet includes a lot of vegetables - almost ¾ of your daily menu is vegetables. The rest of her diet is filled with fish.

Water and tea are recommended as liquids - these are the main drinks of the people of Okinawa. So do not eat everything from your plate, eat well and slowly, move more and enjoy life.
