What Should Be The Diet For Exercisers?

What Should Be The Diet For Exercisers?
What Should Be The Diet For Exercisers?

When you exercise you burn a lot of calories and if you do not get them through food, the body begins to burn fat. However, along with them, the body begins to burn muscles and therefore you need to eat properly to lose only fat.

Trainees eat smaller portions 4 to 6 times a day. In this way, our body receives the necessary nutrients, but without overeating. If you want to gain muscle mass, the number of meals is higher and the portions are smaller. This will provide you with carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but you will not overeat and accumulate fat, because the body will absorb food.

It is important for exercisers to monitor their daily calorie intake. It depends on your gender, your age, your height, your weight and your physical activity.

In order to be healthy when you exercise, in addition to protein, carbohydrates and fats, you need to get vitamins and minerals.

Through proteins, our body receives two types of amino acids. They are interchangeable and irreplaceable. These amino acids our body uses to build its own proteins, from which our muscles and tissues are built. In addition to building muscle, we need protein as a source of energy. Depending on our desire for the achieved result, the amount of protein to be taken when we train and follow a diet is determined.


If you want to gain muscle mass then you need to eat more protein compared to a situation where you just want to keep your weight off. However, if you want to lose weight, then the amount of protein increases many times, and fat and carbohydrates decrease. This is the so-called protein diet, which cleanses the body of fat. Foods rich in protein are meat (chicken, pork and beef), milk, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, cheese and fish.

When exercising, it is important to include carbohydrates in your diet, because through them your body gets energy. The amount of carbohydrates varies depending on what you want to achieve as a result of training combined with the diet. The amount of carbohydrates also depends on your weight, age and goals.

Carbohydrates are two main groups: fast-digesting and slow-digesting. Quick-digesting carbohydrates are found in potatoes, white bread, sugar, honey, sweet fruits such as bananas and melons. Slow-digesting carbohydrates are found in spaghetti, pasta, oatmeal and more.

When you exercise, it is good to have more slow-digesting carbohydrates in your menu, because that way you will have a constant source of energy. Include fast-digesting carbohydrates in your breakfast to get energy after the night. Divide the slow-digesting carbohydrates in the next meals so that you have energy and train calmly and fully.

avocados and nuts
avocados and nuts

When we train often, the reason we start is because we want to reduce body fat. But not all the fats we eat are harmful. There are also useful fats that are recommended to take in small amounts. Useful fats are found in nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, etc.), avocados, olive oil and others.

Vitamins are a very important part of every exerciser's diet. They have an important role not only to keep us healthy, but also help us achieve the desired result of training. B vitamins are involved in the conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy. To get B vitamins, your menu should include bananas, nuts, chicken, eggs, tuna and more.

Other important vitamins when we exercise are vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in nuts, some types of fish and seeds. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and supports the activity of our immune system. Vitamin C can be obtained through fruits and vegetables and especially through citrus fruits.

When you exercise, it is good to eat other foods that play the role of antioxidants in the body. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, it is good to drink green tea. Try to eat vegetables and fruits mostly raw, because any heat treatment reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

green tea
green tea

Sources of minerals must be present in the diet of the trainees. These are zinc (spinach, mushrooms, yogurt, liver, etc.), iron (nettle, meat, grapefruit, oranges, cabbage, turnips, etc.), magnesium (oatmeal, muesli, beans, lentils, whole grains, etc.), calcium (milk and dairy products, nettle, spinach, etc.), chromium (tomatoes, lettuce, cereals, etc.).

Last but not least, every exerciser should drink enough water to feel good and be healthy and energetic.
