Hot Drinks Are A Must For The Heat

Hot Drinks Are A Must For The Heat
Hot Drinks Are A Must For The Heat

Water is one of the conditions for the existence of life. It ensures the transport of various substances in the human body, as well as the disposal of a number of toxic end products of metabolism.

In every organism, it plays the role of a medium for carrying out chemical reactions, of a solvent and of a chemical reagent. Water is a natural thermoregulator, as well as a major factor in maintaining certain volumes and pressures.

During the summer heat, a person loses much more water through the skin through sweating. The balance must be monitored. Any loss of water from the body must be compensated. In addition, such fluid loss from the body requires appropriate compensation of water-salt balance.

Experts advise everyone to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. On very hot days and especially if we are exposed to the sun, the intake can reach up to 2.5 liters of water per day. To maintain balance, it is good that the more a person sweats, the more water he takes.

In each case, the intake of water and fluids is individual. For those suffering from some diseases, the amounts would be different. Excessive water intake can raise blood pressure. The volume of blood circulation increases and the heart works in difficult conditions.


In the process of sweating, in addition to water, sodium is released from the body. If not compensated, it can lead to certain disturbances in the body's water-salt balance.

One option to deal with the problem is to take salted tomato juice. It is especially recommended for overweight people who sweat profusely.

One of the universal methods for dealing with heat and maintaining balance is the intake of hot drinks. It is good for them to have a temperature of about 40 C. A recommended drink during the summer heat is tea, which is not hot, but in no case cold.

Such drinks balance the body temperature and the environment. In addition, they have the ability to reduce fluid loss from the body.
