Drinks Suitable For The Heat

Drinks Suitable For The Heat
Drinks Suitable For The Heat

When it's hot, you drink constantly. Due to the high air temperature, the body becomes dehydrated. But sometimes you drink and do not feel thirsty.

The most suitable for high heat is the water with added lemon juice or with a slice of lemon added to each glass of water. Citric and ascorbic acid, which are contained in lemon, increase salivation.

This reduces dry mouth. Water with lemon juice or lemon slice should be drunk slightly chilled and in no case ice. This drink is more useful than those sold in stores.

Slightly carbonated mineral water quenches thirst faster than ordinary mineral water and highly carbonated mineral water. With water that is not carbonated, it is difficult to quench your thirst.

Highly carbonated water is harmful to many people - those with gastritis and other diseases of the stomach. Carbon dioxide irritates taste buds and causes a strong secretion of saliva, so carbonated mineral water quickly quenches thirst.

Drinks suitable for the heat
Drinks suitable for the heat

Ayran is one of the recommended drinks for the hot period of the year. Yogurt quenches thirst in the heat. If you do not like to drink kefir, you can refresh its taste with salt and other spices.

Hot tea for centuries has helped people fight dehydration during the heat. The secret of hot tea is simple - it dilates blood vessels and increases sweating, and with it the excess heat disappears. So the body cools down.

That is why in warm countries everyone drinks hot tea to cool off. It doesn't matter what kind of tea you quench your thirst with - black, green or white.

It is believed that it is best to drink green tea sweetened with very little honey. Make your own green tea with honey, cool it and drink it during the day. Unlike iced teas in stores, yours will be preservative-free.
