Products That Must Be Heat Treated

Products That Must Be Heat Treated
Products That Must Be Heat Treated

You probably know that you should avoid raw meat and eggs, but have you ever wondered if there are other products that can be dangerous if they do not undergo full heat treatment? Who are they? We present to your attention productswhich you must to be heat treated.


Under no circumstances should they be eaten raw. Using them in a raw state can cause swelling and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Potatoes contain starch, which is destroyed during cooking. Also, if they stay in heat and moisture for a long time, they change color to green and become toxic. Therefore, they must be stored properly.


Quite used in our kitchen. Raw beans contain a toxin that can lead to food poisoning. Therefore, pre-soak it so that it cooks quickly and the fibers that are present can be well absorbed.


Milk must be heat treated
Milk must be heat treated

Milk contains dangerous bacteria. Directly milked by a cow, it cannot be used before pasteurized. Crudely it causes various diseases compared to other dairy products. When buying milk, look at the label on the package. Beware of cheeses made from milk that is not pasteurized.


They are very useful and contain vitamins and minerals, but also some dangerous bacteria. The sprouts germinate in warm and humid conditions, ideal for the existence of bacteria. Therefore, before consumption, rinse well and subject to heat treatment, whatever it will be. Otherwise, it can cause your body various problems.

Bitter almond

Products that must be heat treated
Products that must be heat treated

It contributes a lot to our health. Bitter almonds contain hydrocyanic acid. 70 raw nuts are enough to kill one person. Fortunately, after heat treatment they become safe. They are mainly used in cosmetics or in some types of low-alcohol.


Consumption of flour can also be dangerous. The grains of wheat, from which it is made, contain some harmful substances that are dangerous to our body. They are destroyed only by heat treatment.


Eggplant is a product that must undergo heat treatment
Eggplant is a product that must undergo heat treatment

It contains the same toxin that is found in potatoes. Especially dangerous are the youngest, who are still maturing. This product can also cause allergies in some people. But treated before meals is not a problem.
