11 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is Just As Useful As It Is Claimed

11 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is Just As Useful As It Is Claimed
11 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is Just As Useful As It Is Claimed

Apple cider vinegar is one of the ingredients that always enliven the imagination of fans of healthy living. Quite deserved, in fact.

Apple cider vinegar is something like the Holy Grail of home medicine. Only 25 ml of it increases energy, controls blood sugar and promotes weight loss; applied externally, apple cider vinegar gives shine to the hair, smoothes and tones the skin. Mixed with other useful ingredients such as lemon juice and olive oil, it can be a powerful ally in our daily lives.

We offer you 11 ways to improve your health with apple cider vinegar:

1. If you have difficulty digesting

Season your salads with apple cider vinegar! There are several reasons why apple cider vinegar is a valuable helper in digestive problems, according to Rania Batayneh, a nutritionist and author of the best-selling The Only Diet. First, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties - which relieves common intestinal ailments caused by bacteria, such as diarrhea. As a product of fermentation, apple cider vinegar also contains probiotics that regulate overall healthy digestion.

Try this:

Mix apple cider vinegar with Dijon mustard and fry them in a pan. Add the olive oil and vegetables you prefer and stir. The combination of apple cider vinegar-containing salad dressing and vegetables has a double digestion benefit - both the vegetable fiber and the probiotics contained in vinegar improve its functions.

2. You try to suppress your appetite

Apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite
Apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite

Make a living tonic with apple cider vinegar!! Sometimes the hardest part of changing eating habits is abstinence. According to Batayneh, drinking apple cider vinegar can be incredibly helpful when trying to eat less and lose weight. She cites a study that found that apple cider vinegar suppressed areas in the brain responsible for appetite.

Try this - it is scientifically proven:

First cycle - dilute 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar in half a liter of water. Drink this amount every day for 12 weeks.

Second cycle - increase the dose of vinegar to 30 milliliters, diluted again in half a liter of water. Drink the resulting solution daily for 12 weeks.

Apple cider vinegar also helps fight fat deposits thanks to a special ingredient: acetic acid. In a study conducted among 122 overweight people, it was found that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar leads to weight loss.

3. If you need a natural surge of energy?

Drink tea with apple cider vinegar in the morning! If you replace your morning coffee with this drink, you gain twice as much: a higher influx of energy and at the same time - fewer calories than there are in coffee. Especially if you drink your coffee with milk and cream. In addition to melting fat, acetic acid is a natural booster for muscle. It has been shown in mice to be similar in humans.

If you enjoy apple cider vinegar tea, you may want to

try this too:

Mix of two tablespoons Apple vinegar, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne pepper, dissolved in a glass of warm water, can supply you with the energy you need. Drinking this mixture will save you fizzy drinks and snacks, which you might otherwise reach for when you feel the need for energy. Lemon juice has numerous benefits for the body, and specific studies definitely rank it among the ingredients that help fight excess weight. In addition, 100 ml of lemon juice a day is a great prevention against the formation of kidney stones. Cinnamon and hot red pepper contain substances that improve metabolism and relieve inflammation.

Attention: it is not recommended to take the drink as a meal replacement! It is best to drink as a morning tonic, and during the day to take with food!

4. Sore throat

Apple cider vinegar helps with sore throats
Apple cider vinegar helps with sore throats

Mix apple cider vinegar with honey to get a soothing and nourishing elixir. With its antibacterial and antiviral properties, apple cider vinegar can be incredibly useful. Honey duplicates the antibacterial effect, while soothing irritated mucous membranes.


In a large bowl of warm water, mix 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar with 2 tbsp. honey to get a throat tonic.

If you want something tastier, try ginger tea with 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. honey and a little coconut oil.

Try gargling with 1 to 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar dissolved in warm salted water. 20-30 seconds several times a day are enough. Do not swallow the mixture. If the sore throat persists for more than a few days, be sure to consult a doctor.

5. When you need to adjust your insulin levels

Take apple cider vinegar with water during meals. For people with diabetes, including apple cider vinegar in their daily diet can help keep them in good shape. Acetic acid slows down the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugar in the bloodstream. This gives the body more time to metabolize blood sugar, which leads to stabilization of sugar levels and limited peaks.

6. Worried about cholesterol?

Apple cider vinegar against cholesterol
Apple cider vinegar against cholesterol

You can even afford an egg salad if you season it with apple cider vinegar! Apples and vinegar combine their properties in apple cider vinegar and naturally lead to a reduction in triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the body, says Bataineh, citing a 2012 study.

7. Combining apple cider vinegar with other foods

There is a theory that apple cider vinegar keeps the blood alkaline - which in turn prevents cancer cells from growing. However, this is not a guaranteed protection against cancer, but the human body is able to maintain a well-balanced pH anyway. A good option is a broccoli salad with vinegar dressing - vegetables contain sulforaphane, which reduces the number and size of cancer cells in cases of breast cancer. Studies in mice have shown that the substance kills cancer cells in prostate cancer.

Another great partner for apple cider vinegar: olive oil! Medicine strongly associates olive oil with cancer prevention. A large study from 2001 showed that people who consumed more olive oil were at a lower risk of developing cancer than people who consumed little or no oil.

8 Do you have a headache? Make a compress with apple cider vinegar

The compress certainly cannot guarantee a 100% effect, but it will help if the headache is due to digestive problems, peak blood sugar or potassium deficiency. You will benefit not only from the properties of vinegar - the cold compress itself relieves headaches!

How to do it:

Soak a clean cloth in cold apple cider vinegar for a few minutes, then drain it and place it on your forehead. To enhance the effect, you can add to the vinegar two drops of analgesic essential oil - such as rose.

9. Give yourself shiny hair by rinsing with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for shiny hair
Apple cider vinegar for shiny hair

One of the most valued qualities of apple cider vinegar in the beauty industry, it is its ability to give shine to hair. The effect is due to its ability to temporarily change the shape of the cuticle.

How to try it:

Dilute apple cider vinegar with water, wet your hands thoroughly with the resulting mixture and spread on damp hair. Leave on for about 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

Attention: do not use this method more than three times a week! Otherwise you risk drying your hair!

10. Remove dandruff with apple cider vinegar spray

If dandruff is caused by a fungal infection, apple cider vinegar can be an affordable and effective home remedy. Along with all of the above useful properties, apple cider vinegar greatly hinders the development and spread of the fungus.

How to try it:

Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray on your scalp after a shower. Leave on for about 15 minutes before rinsing. Do this for about two weeks and you will notice a significant reduction in annoying "snowflakes".

Attention: discontinue treatment immediately if irritation occurs. Do not try this method if the dandruff is the result of dry scalp. Vinegar can further dry it out and make the problem worse.

11. Make a cure for acne with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps with acne
Apple cider vinegar helps with acne

As mentioned, apple cider vinegar has pronounced antibacterial properties. In addition to acetic acid itself, this is due to the small amounts of citric, lactic and succinic acid contained in vinegar. It is these acids, it turns out, that infect P. acnes - the bacterium that causes annoying blackheads!

How to do it:

Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water. Keep the mixture in a bottle and shake before use. Apply on face with a cotton swab. Leave on for between 5 and 20 seconds - depending on the sensitivity, then rinse with water. Use a weaker solution if your skin is sensitive.

Instead of water, you can dilute apple cider vinegar with green tea - it regulates the release of fat. Whether you used green tea or water, discard the unused mixture after two days - there is a risk of bacteria.

Attention: too much acid can cause skin irritation. Consult a dermatologist before using this home remedy. If you have decided and are starting the treatment, don't forget to dilute the apple cider vinegar before applying it on your skin!

Four things you should never do with apple cider vinegar

Benefits of apple cider vinegar
Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Photo: Veselina Konstantinova

Do not drink apple cider vinegar undiluted;

Do not start procedures by taking in as much vinegar as you can;

Do not apply undiluted vinegar directly on the skin - especially for long periods;

Do not mix apple cider vinegar with other strong and irritating ingredients;

Most acne creams contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide - do not apply apple cider vinegar at the same time;

In conclusion: it is better to think about apple cider vinegar as a little extra tone than to consider it an omnipotent miracle. In small doses, it can be incredibly useful and tasty, but taken carelessly, it can be dangerous and harmful.
