Ideas For Delicious Vegetable Casserole

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Video: Ideas For Delicious Vegetable Casserole

Video: Ideas For Delicious Vegetable Casserole
Video: Creamy Vegetable Casserole Recipe - Easy Casserole Recipe 2024, September
Ideas For Delicious Vegetable Casserole
Ideas For Delicious Vegetable Casserole

There is hardly a housewife who does not know how to prepare casserole with potatoes, fragrant meat sprinkled with cheese, zucchini, rice and other vegetables, but if you want to avoid traditional dishes, it is good to learn how to get out of the stereotype.

Here are some easy-to-make casserole recipes that you can try in your spare time and enchant your loved ones:

Spinach souffle

Necessary products: 1. 5 kg of spinach, 1 small packet of butter, 40 g of parmesan, 200 g of milk, 7 tablespoons flour, 6 eggs, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste, a few sprigs of dill or wild garlic.

Method of preparation: The cleaned and washed spinach is boiled, drained and mashed. Separately, fry the flour in butter, add the milk and after the dish is removed from the stove, add the beaten egg yolks. Mix everything, add the spinach puree, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste and the beaten egg whites. Pour into a pan and shortly before the souffle is baked, add the grated Parmesan cheese. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill or wild garlic.

Shepherd's casserole

Ideas for delicious vegetable casserole
Ideas for delicious vegetable casserole

Photo: Zoritsa

Necessary products: 450 g ripe beans, 500 g onions, 1 carrot, 250 g tomatoes, 150 g oil, mint, parsley and salt to taste.

Method of preparation: The beans are left to soak in water from the previous day. Then boil together with chopped onions and carrots. When ready, season with mint, parsley and salt to taste. Arrange a row of beans and tomato slices in a pan, pour oil and bake until fully cooked. Sprinkle with a little fresh parsley.

Cauliflower plaque

Ideas for delicious vegetable casserole
Ideas for delicious vegetable casserole

Necessary products: 1. 5 kg of cauliflower, 160 g of oil, 3 carrots, 3 onions, 1 slice of celery, 3 tomatoes, 4 cloves garlic, 1/2 lemon, 3 tablespoons flour, a few sprigs of dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: The cauliflower is cut into florets and boiled together with the chopped onions, carrots, garlic and celery. Drain the vegetables and place in a pan. Arrange the tomatoes. The flour is diluted with cold water and the oil and lemon juice are added to it. The vegetables are watered with this mixture, seasoned and baked in the oven.
