Loganbury - Blackberry And Raspberry In One

Loganbury - Blackberry And Raspberry In One
Loganbury - Blackberry And Raspberry In One

Loganberry is a fruit obtained from the cross between raspberries and blackberries. The plant and fruit look more like blackberries than raspberries. Its flowers are burgundy, and the fruit itself is easily separated from the stem, as in blackberries. It tastes like raspberries, but is juicier and with more distinct notes.

Interestingly, the creation of Loganbury came about by accident in 1883. The first cross was made by American lawyer and horticultural expert James Logan, who also gave the name of the new plant.

Loganberries can be eaten fresh, without special treatment, or used for juices or jams, pies, charlotte cakes, fruit syrups or wines. In the UK, for example, fresh or canned loganberry is often added to traditional British sherry with cream and fruit, and its juice (or syrup) to sherry wine.

Small fruits are ideal for fresh summer fruit salads.

Loganbury fruit
Loganbury fruit

Loganbury-flavored drinks are very popular in western New York. This also applies to parts of Ontario. A loungebury drink resembling fruit punch is widely consumed and can be easily found in local shops.

The fruit is grown in large quantities mainly in the United States, in particular in Oregon and Washington. The plant is also cultivated in England and Tasmania. It is also called logan for short.

Fruits are very good for health because of their high content of vitamins C, A and E. Loganbury is a good source of flavonoids and essential fatty acids.

The plant can be easily grown in the yard, it is suitable to plant near walls and fences. It bears fruit in May, June and July.

A Loganbury shrub reaches a height of about 2 meters and can bear fruit for 15 years. They like sunny places and well-drained soils.
