Vitamin Excess - What Are The Risks?

Vitamin Excess - What Are The Risks?
Vitamin Excess - What Are The Risks?

As dangerous as the body lacks certain vitamins, it is just as dangerous if you overdose on some of them. Vitamins from group B and C are soluble in water and cannot be stored in the body.

So if you take more of them, they will just come apart. However, fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K, are stored in the body's fat depots, so they can accumulate and lead to serious side effects.

Vitamin A - In case of overdose it accumulates in the body and can lead to many side effects. The overdose condition is called hypervitaminosis A. The first signs are blurred vision and headaches, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, skin rash, hair loss, joint pain, menstrual problems, liver damage, impaired bone growth or osteoporosis and damage to the nervous system.


B-complex - These vitamins are extremely important for human life. B complex vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 are also called thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid and cobalamin. Excess amounts are usually excreted by the kidneys, but overdose is possible.

Vitamin B1 - Thiamine - If you take more of it, the body will excrete the excess in the urine. Vitamin overdose is very rare, but if it does occur, there are side effects, such as upset stomach and even an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include skin irritation, itching or a rash. Other symptoms of overdose, but in rare cases, may be nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath and swelling of the hands, face, mouth or throat.


Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - Overdose leads to an increased incidence of allergic reactions. Symptoms of allergic reactions most often include swelling of the face or tongue, fever and difficulty breathing. Riboflavin can also cause harmless yellow-orange discoloration of your urine.

Vitamin B3 - Niacin - In case of overdose there is blurred vision, and less often nausea, stomach pain, vomiting.

Pantothenic acid - Vitamin B5 and biotin - Vitamin B7 - Any higher dose leads to severe diarrhea.

Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine - Taking more than 200 mg a day causes various muscle or nerve problems. There is pain, awkwardness, loss of muscle coordination and even paralysis.

Vitamin abuse
Vitamin abuse

Vitamin B9 - Folic acid - Large doses of 15,000 mcg per day lead to damage to the central nervous system. Movement disorders, paralysis, pain or numbness occur.

Vitamin B12 - cobalamin - Excessive intake leads to blood clots, itching, diarrhea and a serious allergic reaction.

Vitamin C - It is very difficult to overdose on vitamin C. However, too large doses of it have been shown to be toxic. They are characterized by problems with the digestive tract, severe gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea, even to the formation of kidney stones. These conditions in turn lead to dehydration, which is very dangerous.

Vitamin D - Overdose is called hypervitaminosis D or vitamin D toxicity. Gastrointestinal disorders, high blood pressure and elevated levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia) occur, which can lead to irregular heart rhythms and other medical problems.

Vitamin K. - If taken in excessive amounts, it leads to oxidative damage to cells and tissues. This increases the risk of a number of diseases, including cancer. The liver is also damaged.
