These Foods Cleanse The Blood Of Excess Lipids

These Foods Cleanse The Blood Of Excess Lipids
These Foods Cleanse The Blood Of Excess Lipids

Detoxification of the body you will not be complete without purifying the blood. To ensure healthy blood, it is also necessary to cleanse the kidneys and liver. Natural blood purifiers are cabbage, lemon and garlic can do this.

Fruits rich in pectin such as apples, pears and guava, foods rich in fiber such as oats, and good old water, too remove toxins from the blood of your body. Together they make up your must-see list of natural blood purifiers!

Blood is an underestimated hero of your body, providing the organs with oxygen and nutrients necessary for their normal functioning. Getting enough iron and maintaining hemoglobin levels is just one but very important aspect of healthy blood. To keep the blood clean, it needs the right balance of blood sugar, lipids and minerals.

In addition, organs such as the kidneys and liver, which help purify the blood and remove toxins, must be in good working order.

Here how to clean your blood by natural means! A quick list of foods that help detoxify your blood.

1. Garlic

These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids
These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids

Garlic is an antibacterial agent that cleanses your system of viruses and parasites that can harm it. This detox product removes excess fat from the blood. Accordingly, garlic lowers the level of bad cholesterol with low-density lipoproteins and the total level of serum cholesterol in the body. Contamination of the blood and body can be the result of exposure to toxic metals, which leads to various problems - from seizures, to loss of appetite and brain damage. The antioxidants contained in garlic not only cleanse the body of toxins in general, but are also able to withstand mild to moderate lead poisoning.

You are often exposed to this metal through paints containing lead, contaminated dust and others. Garlic can reduce metal content by as much as 19% and relieve symptoms of poisoning such as headaches.

2. Sugar cane

This popular Indian product - golden brown unrefined sugar, is also known as good blood purifier. The fiber it contains helps cleanse the digestive system, prevents constipation and removes waste from the body. Due to its high iron content, it helps to compensate for iron deficiency and restore hemoglobin levels.

3. Turmeric

These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids
These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids

Photo: yogitea

Turmeric is an amazing natural remedy for inflammation. It helps to solve liver problems and maintain its optimal functioning. And this is important because the liver and kidneys are the two main centers for blood purification of contaminants and their removal from the body. If this golden spice is mixed with milk, then its purifying properties are doubled. Turmeric milk is an important component of a liver cleansing diet. In such a diet, golden milk is recommended - soak for 72 hours with spices such as pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. It is believed that this drink not only provides your system with nutrients and tone, but also helps the body produce new red blood cells.

4. Apples, pears and guava

Pectins found in fruits such as apples, plums, guavas and pears are useful for purifying the blood. Pectins come into contact not only with excess fat in the blood and liver, but also with heavy metals and other harmful substances and wastes in the bloodstream. The fiber contained in these fruits helps to remove fat, while lycopene and glutathione contribute to the elimination of waste and chemicals.

5. Lemon

These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids
These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids

Warm water with lemon juice is recommended as a good morning drink to purify the blood. It eliminates toxins from the digestive tract and cleanses the system. Warm water promotes the breakdown of fats and also relieves the burden on the kidneys, while the vitamins and minerals contained in lemon help the body eliminate toxins. In particular, vitamin C is essential for the body to produce glutathione. Your liver uses this compound for purification of the blood from harmful substances.

6. Dark green leafy vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables are to everyone's taste. However, they can be very useful due to the abundant content of nutrients, vitamins A, B, C, folic acid and iron. The antioxidants contained in these vegetables help get rid of harmful free radicals that damage red blood cells. By limiting the damage caused by free radicals to blood cells, these vegetables help the flow of new cells into the blood. You can choose kale, spinach, lettuce or even mustard.

7. Cabbage

These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids
These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids

Cabbage is considered a blood purifier, contains antioxidants such as vitamins A and C and is good for the liver. The fiber in cabbage helps cleanse the digestive tract. They are also able to neutralize the chemicals in tobacco smoke and cleanse the liver. The glucosinolates contained in cabbage are broken down and form isothiocyanates, the latter contributing to the elimination of carcinogens in the body.

8. Oats, wheat bran and nuts

These high-fiber foods are indispensable in their ability to remove excess fat, chemicals and waste from your system. High fiber content in foods such as oats, whole grains, wheat bran, flaxseed and nuts helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose, which cleanses the digestive tract and eliminates constipation.

9. Water

These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids
These foods cleanse the blood of excess lipids

Like a thorough cleaning of your home, the right one blood purification requires a lot of water. Regular water intake helps the kidneys remove contaminants from the body. The ideal way to take water for detoxification:

Leave some warm water in a copper bowl overnight and drink it in the morning immediately after waking up. Copper cools the liver, and water helps remove waste and purify the blood.

10. Watercress

Watercress may be an unusual product for you, but it is a tasty alternative to the usual greens. Watercress helps to increase the content of enzymes in the body that favor detoxification. It removes carcinogens from the body just like cabbage - thanks to the glucosinolates it contains. In a study of the effects of smoking on smokers, researchers found that just 170 grams of this product a day helped remove carcinogens in the urine, making the blood cleaner.
