The Amazing Healing Power Of The Cactus

The Amazing Healing Power Of The Cactus
The Amazing Healing Power Of The Cactus

In Bulgaria, cacti are used for interior decoration, and there are over 500 species of cacti. It turns out that the cactus, in addition to being a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant / flower at home, also has quite unsuspected healing abilities.

There are various ways to treat diseases with cactus. From ancient times the local tribes have used cacti as a medicine. Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs, including cactus substances.

According to some scientists, cacti have the amazing ability to remove and stop harmful radiation from the electromagnetic field from various appliances such as televisions, computers and other electrical equipment used in everyday life.

Almost all types of cacti are diuretics (medicines that stimulate urine production). They are used to heal wounds and as a means of stopping bleeding.

Cactus juice has a color and properties reminiscent of cucumber. Relieves headaches, refreshes and gives energy to the body. The healing properties of the cactus help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neurological and cardiovascular diseases.


In the treatment of colds, the stem of the plant is used, and the juice is recommended for various rheumatic diseases to relieve pain.

It is extremely IMPORTANT to note that the preparation of any cactus recipes is done only after carefully removing all the thorns!

The cactus contains alkaloids that have an antibacterial effect and stop the growth of microorganisms.

Here are some healing recipes with cactus:

cactus juice
cactus juice

- In the treatment of wounds is prepared a mixture of juice of cactus and horseradish in a ratio of two to one. A compress is made from the resulting mixture, changing every 2 hours;

- In diseases of the upper respiratory tract - cough, bronchitis and others, prepare a mixture again of cactus juice and white rose. For greater effect, you can add a tablespoon of honey. Take one spoon three times a day;

- In case of joint pain, cut a large piece of cactus, mash it and put it on the sore spot, wrapping it well with a scarf or something suitable to warm the place. It is left to stand for at least three hours.
