Which Foods Contain Choline And What Are They Good For?

Which Foods Contain Choline And What Are They Good For?
Which Foods Contain Choline And What Are They Good For?

Choline is a B vitamin. It is found mainly in foods of animal origin. Rich in the valuable ingredient are egg yolk, butter, milk, beef, liver, kidneys, as well as salmon and crabs.

As for plant products - choline is contained in wheat, wheat germ, oats, barley, soybeans. The variety of vitamin B is also part of the following products: peanuts, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, lentils and corn.

The daily requirement of choline for the body is 250-600 mg.

Because cell membranes are almost entirely composed of fat, their flexibility and integrity depend on an adequate supply of choline.

Choline is very good for health because it participates in fat and cholesterol metabolism, regulating the deposition of these substances in tissues. In the form of acetycholine, it is a mediator in the transmission of nerve impulses in the peripheral nervous system.


Lack of intake of foods rich in choline mainly affects the functioning of the liver. In case of deficiency, fatty infiltration of the organ, necrosis of the liver tissue, development of cirrhosis, even malignant degeneration occur.

Accordingly, a sufficient amount of choline not only prevents but can eliminate the already occurred liver damage. That is why the valuable substance is used mainly for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases.

In addition, choline inhibits the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic and vascular wall, which is important in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Lack of sufficient choline intake poses a risk of coronary heart disease.
