Roasted Vegetables Were As Harmful As Fried Ones

Roasted Vegetables Were As Harmful As Fried Ones
Roasted Vegetables Were As Harmful As Fried Ones

A recent study led to a frightening discovery - roasted vegetables are just as harmful as fried foods.

We have all heard more than once about the terrible consequences of consuming Fast food foods, inevitably prepared by frying in fat. And for years, nutritionists and scientists have convinced us that after fresh, vegetables are most useful when they go through a "dry" heat treatment, ie grilling or grilling.

However, according to a new study, grilled vegetables are as unhealthy as fried foods in fast food restaurants.

Roasted peppers
Roasted peppers

It turns out that all products, baked or fried in some way, can bring you weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and a number of other problems and diseases.

Vegetable skewers
Vegetable skewers

The study was conducted by scientists at Mount Sinai University in New York. Under the guidance of Professor Helen Vlasara, the researchers conducted a series of experiments in which they gave four generations of experimental mice food rich in methyl glyoxal.

It is this substance that sticks to food processed on a barbecue. It has a weakening effect on the body's defense mechanisms against infections.

Vegetables of Sach
Vegetables of Sach

The results were frightening - the animals developed insulin resistance and began to accumulate body fat. In addition, they have become extremely susceptible to diabetes. In general, mice have followed the same unhealthy path as humans in recent decades.

Professor Helen Vlasara hopes the discovery she has made with her team will enable humanity to successfully fight the human obesity epidemic.

The pattern that turns healthy vegetables into unhealthy ones after the roasting process is the accumulated amounts of methyl glyoxal. At first glance, healthy food, saturated with this toxin, reduces the body's defenses and dooms resistance to metabolic and other diseases.

In addition to the discovery, there is another factor - people at risk or suffering from diabetes must exclude from their diet foods rich in methyl glyoxal.

All this allows us to look with different eyes at the supposedly "healthy" dry processed products. To avoid harmful accumulations, it would be easiest to steam, stew in the oven or cook instead of grilling.
