What Teas Can Be Mixed

What Teas Can Be Mixed
What Teas Can Be Mixed

Tea lovers will get much more pleasure from their favorite drink if they mix different types of tea and add different spices to them.

The tea is made only with soft water, the lime changes its taste. Rosehip tea, with a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg, will wake you up in the morning.

A cup of cold green tea, in which you add mint and ice will refresh you pleasantly and will charge you with energy. A cup of black tea with caramel has a relaxing effect.

Only teas without added flavors are suitable for mixing. The only exception is jasmine green tea. However, it can only be mixed with spices and teas with a delicate aroma.

Replace black tea in the morning with green tea, which is not in a package, but is sold in powder form. Add vanilla, mint, grated lemon peel or orange to it.


Black tea has a richer taste and aroma than green, so it is combined with bitter spices such as white and black pepper. Black tea is seasoned with cloves.

The combinations of aromatic herbs, leaves of fruit bushes and spices work well. The leaves of strawberries and raspberries give the tea a rich aroma.

The spices are used without being ground or crushed. Cinnamon is used as a piece of cinnamon stick, cloves are dipped whole in tea, vanilla is used in the form of a pod.

Thus, the tea will be not only tasty and fragrant, but also full of vitamins and nutrients. The tea from a combination of raspberry leaves, dried orange slices and cinnamon is very fragrant.

The combination of mint, dried lemon slices and ginger is also delicious, fragrant and useful. Cherry leaves combine well with wild strawberry and vanilla leaves.
