Europeans Mixed Kiwis With Grenades

Europeans Mixed Kiwis With Grenades
Europeans Mixed Kiwis With Grenades

The disgusting appearance of the kiwi and its round shape made the employees of one of the European customs thirty years ago call sappers because they thought they were grenades.

Everyone treats the kiwi with prejudice before realizing that behind the prickly brown skin lies an incredibly delicious green fruit that tastes like bananas, strawberries, melons, pineapples and wild strawberries at the same time.

Kiwi is a very young fruit, it appeared a hundred years ago. At the beginning of the last century, a New Zealand resident received a gift from China - monkey peach seeds. It was a vine with small hard fruits.

Kiwis and strawberries
Kiwis and strawberries

The New Zealander has been perfecting the plant for 30 years! But the miniature fruits turned into large, potato-like ones and tasted amazing. For many years, kiwis were grown only in backyards in New Zealand. But the global industrial crisis in the 1930s prompted an official to start growing kiwis in industrial quantities.

It turned out that the kiwi is an ideal product for breeding - it gives a high yield and its fruits can be stored for a long time. This is how the world understood what a kiwi is. People who started buying it from New Zealand named it after the New Zealand kiwi bird, which has no wings and is covered with brown-gray feathers.

Green fruit has unique properties - it is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes that dissolve proteins. One fruit a day covers our daily dose of vitamin C. Kiwi improves digestion and protects against heart disease, helps feast stressful situations.


Kiwi prolongs our life by burning harmful fats in our body, which protects our vascular system from blood clots. In some countries, kiwi is used in the diet to improve the tone of athletes.

Kiwi is perfect to eat on its own, but if you add kiwi to a salad of avocado and cucumber and season them with vinegar and olive oil, the result will be fantastic!

Kiwi is a very nice marinade for meat. Wash the meat, make incisions in it and put a slice of kiwi and a little salt in each. Spread kiwi on top of the meat and leave overnight. Bake in the morning and you will feel how fragile the place has become.
